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Great game. Glad to see the game get to finished state. Planned updates?

A topic by PitchBlackKnight created Sep 26, 2023 Views: 333
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I really enjoyed the game and I would say the strongest part of the game is the first few levels. Liked the platformer aspect and all the unique enemies and attacks. Are there any plans to refine the game and some of the mechanics? Or add more lore  or extra platforming to the game like through the locked doors?

A few of the weakest aspects I can find at the moment is the cum mechanic and a few of the static enemies. I feel the cum mechanic could use some unescapable scenes. All seem to be escapable and prove little damage to your character. I feel they should only be escapable if your cum meter is say below 66% otherwise you're too horny to escape. Or at the very least if you're hit by a certain move from an enemy like a grapple (or if you submit to an enemy) you cannot escape that attack and have to live with the corruption. A secondary problem is that the cum meter is basically only a gauge and nothing else for gameplay aspect. A few of the enemies have ranged attacks from cum or breast milk. I feel these shouldn't cause direct damage to you but rather increases your cum meter by an instant or applies a dirty/messy debuff to character and profile and does cum damage overtime. This would instead make the player feel safe but if you max out your cum meter it forces your character into a forced orgasm(knocked down) mode where any enemy could grapple you and cause an unescapable event sex event.

Something else I felt disappointed with in the first or second level where the tentacle plants. One of the rooms had said they have an incredible reach and can drag you into them. Unfortunately, they're just a static enemy that's only problematic if you fall into them. It would be neat if you stood idle or nearby for just a tad too long the plant would start to grow a tentacle that would grapple you and force you on the plant if you're not careful (kinda like how the statue works later in the game). This plant could even have a few erotic scenes involving different parts if wanted. The other plants like the futa corruption(crawls to you?) and venus?(gently pulls you to it?) could have similar mechanics. There was some sex scenes in the replay room that had the player have parasite dick, any plans to add this as an enemy or pick up from enemies? Maybe there's a chance that the womb parasite that grows has a chance to stay inside and becomes a dick? This can also grow/mature with sex EXP. 

Also, the size or corruption of a body part does not seem to directly affect the player. Any plans to tie it to game play? Large body parts slow you/dash shorter so you as a player want to stay small? Or maybe large breasts give you more health or larger futa provides higher cum rate or futa gives a ranged orgasam? Perhaps as simple as being last stage pregnant of any or double up with multiple parts would slow your movement speed?

Now how about some fun stuff?... like maybe messy character art the hornier you are or maybe the more sex events you've had(based on body part?)? Max size part that leaks could slowly drip from your player sprite. Or some hugger parasites or tentacles you pick these up from random enemies or at the very least the plants. These would ride your breasts and squeeze or slowly fuck them. Futa similar by being inserted or massaging balls. These would be a debuff that you can remove at certain machines. If left on overtime they increase your cum meter which plays in the above mechanic(leads to easier forced orgasm).

I feel this post is now too long but I would enjoy seeing some updates to the girl you find in random places. Would be cool if when shes being carried there was a selectable ride the player mode if futa when walking around raising the cum meter. Maybe in this mode she provides a kick strength bonus to the player since you lose the gun and dash... not sure how much more you can do with her other than other fun events with enemies if you beat them and sex them.. Maybe give her to the parasite egg layer?