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A member registered Jul 16, 2022

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Hope to see more updates as this game has a decent basis. A few more polishing mechanics mentioned in the news update would help solidify it's content. One mechanic bug that doesn't help you is the enemies don't chase you, and if you escape they disappear. I feel the dungeon needs some wall blocks that require a stat check via mage stone or warrior stone, or requires no stone and provides one, etc...

Would be neat to have a character progression system-I know there's preg level 1, 2 but there could be some steps in-between as you gain xp and your belly could grow. Or there could be some kind of body growth that affects your stats you could pick, like larger belly means more hp but slower (warrior), larger breasts more endurance(mage) , toned/buff body quicker but lower hp (archer). Could be either upgradable from stat point system to pick and choose strengths, or gain those stats via birthing from a specific stone. Maybe it could be tied into overdue bellies that you could spend excess xp into those stats/character art updates but a birth would still progress the game faster. (perhaps make progressively overdue bellies that your endurance/health is reduced the longer you keep the baby after preg2 as a way to show you need to birth to progress)

Updated UI to show xp/lvl/stat points, anything to show current progression. Updated transition screens to avoid flash bangs when casting spells or aggroing enemies.

Day/night cycle I hope to see unique enemies or mechanics from the system. Could be simple like enemies are more aggressive (chases you from further distances) or new difficult enemies spawn. Or at the very least since HP/End refresh after each battle that the longer you spend in the dungeon the more tired(weaker) you are forcing you to play a certain way. Maybe magic of the dungeon slowly forces your body to birth meaning leaving is a safer option over diving deeper into it.

I love the character art and hope to see it expand with preg3, more clothes/weapons. It would also be neat if there was an unlock system where you could pick and chose cosmetic armor/weapons after unlocking it for the first time like once doing mage stone you get the robe-unless it's not the direction you want to go.

Any plans to add randomized traps that affect the MC? Could affect body cosmetically positively like belly/breast growth spurt (would work great with CG progression), or negatively causing the MC's body to begin birthing or spontaneous lactation and in battles a slow drain on endurance.

Is this the second floor? You need to push the balls around to be able to exit the floor. Be decisive or you may overfill.

I had an interesting thought for a gameplay mechanic that could be played with to pair with my above idea. The sub has a 'consciousness' stat already and based around how much they can take. The dom could use a similar stat more loose like 'vigor' (basically energy). With this stat it'll show much much energy left the dom has and once the tanks empty they'll be unable to continue with their forceful actions. This either ends the interaction or if the sub wishes to take over and continue they can and satisfy their needs if the dom did not.

Obviously this stat could influenced by many things. The sexual deviant inmates could get a racial (haha) bonus like their stat is a maximum of 110% while everyone else is 100%. Agility stat could give a simple energy usage reduction to the acts in the interaction. The breeder and milking skills could have a perk or something to affect their actions, like breeder would reduce energy consumed breeding type actions, and milking would reduce energy consumed by breast actions(BDSM could have a similar effect on sex toys). Perhaps the more cum or milk a character has the less energy an orgasm consumes allowing the dom to go further.

After playing for a bit I've noticed in some sex interactions the encounter can basically go on indefinitely until you end it. It somewhat takes away from the games current mechanics with leveling and how other NPCs act when they're dom. Your body definitely gets tired and at some point should end the encounter or be stimulated by a drug. On top of that it seems NPCs lose some text lines during this encounter. Am I missing something or is this intended behavior? I feel that there should be a skill(s)  or it be scaled up with your breeder/milking perks or levels, cum/milk capacity, or otherwise. Especially since some skills (i haven't gotten them yet) give you stamina, remove pain, etc with sex or encounters where this could be abused.

I'd suggest disabling all your mods or loading without mods and seeing if your game still works. If it does then reenable mods until you crash again. That will weed out the culprit that is conflicting with another mod or it's just a bad mod. Mod order may play a part in proper loading.

(2 edits)

You can download them from the Github page otherwise down in the settings you're going to want to find the very first item allows you to turn on the modded launcher. Close the client and reopen it. You then can easily browse the mod browser and find mods you like.

There is a restrictions button within your "Me" menu. Go into it then find 'encounters', then 'restrictions'. From here you can turn off kinks. There is also the 'goal weights' menu which allows you to change the values at which NPCs pick certain actions.

I thought he had gotten banned or quit which is why the project was originally left abandoned. Preggopixels then modded it and added new levels and that little RPG town. Hutont's art is around though.

No. This version of the game will probably not be updated again. The creator & team are remaking it in a different engine entirely.

Perhaps enjoy a few on the way to the other side. Long walks always make me hungry.

If you've downloaded v1.22, which is the latest version from June of 2021 then you have played all the current rooms. Preggopixels & team are remaking the game completely. Progress has been slow, but it is the current project.

My games currently bugged out and doesn't work. However, all you need to do is continue through the levels. I believe there is 3 levels till you get to a save spot, then 2 after that and you'll get to it. If you find the portal to the little RPG town, that is the wrong way and you need to stay in the tower.

This is the best I can do for you. Just aim for directly center, from my playing I couldn't tell a difference even hitting outside of it. The HotDogKing did mention that it increases the success rate of being impregnated by the enemy or getting a defense break and impregnation of enemies.

It is a skill you can learn from the skills menu, each virus needs to learn it to use it. It does not appear to have much use other than using it to impregnate host cells and being cosmetic.

Tested out the 'prototype' and wanted to say there is far more than 15 minutes of gameplay to discover. At first I felt a bit lost due to having two prospectives, but later I enjoyed it since I saw your vision of being able to change the course of host while evolving those effects from the inside out. It was disorienting starting in the womb then lung, then all of a sudden you had access to 8 different areas. I hope to see the game get new viruses to evolve and affect the host, as well as events with them.  Plus functional polish with standard functions within the game such as starting virus zone, map structure, and combat.

Suggestion: When infecting body cells will there be map design changes or sprite changes based on level of infection? It would add another layer showing the changes you're causing to the host as what you infect takes hold in the surrounding healthy tissue. Perhaps infecting the host cells could give the virus (the player) points to spend on their viruses. I see that you get Infection points from them but don't know how those will be used. But they could be used cosmetically to permanently increase bust size, womb size, or penis/hugger size. There could be more options not related to combat, but rather lust items like chance of successful impregnation attacks, defense of enemy lust attacks, or lactation for the milk skills. This could be used instead of the size increases gained just from pregnancy and let that just be belly size and this would show how the stronger the infection the stronger the virus grows.

Question: I couldn't figure out the "Attack - Defense" action screen with sex skills. Scoring before, at the green, or after does not seem to change damage or outcome(unless it affects the hidden stat behind resistance). Perhaps the event is irrelevant unless it's an impregnation?

Question(s): Are the seduce skills useful for anything at this moment? The "special" attack category is just non-lust skills, perhaps place it within the attack menu or reorder it under the attack menu and use different icon than a heart. Also, the first two skills in there are useless due to damage while antibody decoy is the cheapest and highest output.

Suggestion: Could the functional menu removed from fighting menu? It gets in the way of the flow of the combat menu.

Bug(s): There's a few minor misspelling in the beginning with Lilly's (or Lily's) name and a couple dialogs while playing as host at the clinic. Seems like there's a duplication bug with infecting the host cells that as long as you have 3 fragments you can get a fully infected cell as long as you don't back out of the menu(you may have stated you fixed this in a previous thread).

I went back and tried out this game from the old catalog, especially since the second game was good. The game definitely had some neat features to it like the building, even though under developed due to length of game and how you move through the 'levels'. Didn't quite make sense to really build anything but a bed where you needed a save point or the weapon upgrade thing once after you get towards the bottom. It's been a while since I last played but I remember it being tedious at least because of the first key, backtracking I think the second key, and the last key hid from me until I walked all over the place for it. If the keys or levels could be easier to find or move through It would remove a lot of the tedious aspect. plus the enemies respawning every single time you move levels  and/or completely respawning during a sleep cycle was unfortunate. Movement speed could be bumped up some to aid in travel through the building because it's so large. Lastly, I think the last boss, the grass plant thing at the night club is bugged out. I got in, died, and when I tried going back the vine at the front door blocked me out with zero way of getting back in. I could not be bothered to go back since it was so slow to move around. Would be nice to see an update to fix some of these issues but I also understand not going back since there are better things to put time into. Anyway, I enjoy the different play styles in each of the games and creativity.

You can give the unknown creatures to your offspring and this helps them level up. It's not a huge boost but a few of them can easily get you up to level 10 so they can survive tougher battles.

Once you unlock Galaxy 3 you should be able to find the Para Ark. I don't believe this is unlocked right away and you may need to continue the story into later galaxies but the top left room will be accessible and say "Research/Weapon" once you are able to do crossbreeding and torture your prisoners.

I really enjoyed the game and I would say the strongest part of the game is the first few levels. Liked the platformer aspect and all the unique enemies and attacks. Are there any plans to refine the game and some of the mechanics? Or add more lore  or extra platforming to the game like through the locked doors?

A few of the weakest aspects I can find at the moment is the cum mechanic and a few of the static enemies. I feel the cum mechanic could use some unescapable scenes. All seem to be escapable and prove little damage to your character. I feel they should only be escapable if your cum meter is say below 66% otherwise you're too horny to escape. Or at the very least if you're hit by a certain move from an enemy like a grapple (or if you submit to an enemy) you cannot escape that attack and have to live with the corruption. A secondary problem is that the cum meter is basically only a gauge and nothing else for gameplay aspect. A few of the enemies have ranged attacks from cum or breast milk. I feel these shouldn't cause direct damage to you but rather increases your cum meter by an instant or applies a dirty/messy debuff to character and profile and does cum damage overtime. This would instead make the player feel safe but if you max out your cum meter it forces your character into a forced orgasm(knocked down) mode where any enemy could grapple you and cause an unescapable event sex event.

Something else I felt disappointed with in the first or second level where the tentacle plants. One of the rooms had said they have an incredible reach and can drag you into them. Unfortunately, they're just a static enemy that's only problematic if you fall into them. It would be neat if you stood idle or nearby for just a tad too long the plant would start to grow a tentacle that would grapple you and force you on the plant if you're not careful (kinda like how the statue works later in the game). This plant could even have a few erotic scenes involving different parts if wanted. The other plants like the futa corruption(crawls to you?) and venus?(gently pulls you to it?) could have similar mechanics. There was some sex scenes in the replay room that had the player have parasite dick, any plans to add this as an enemy or pick up from enemies? Maybe there's a chance that the womb parasite that grows has a chance to stay inside and becomes a dick? This can also grow/mature with sex EXP. 

Also, the size or corruption of a body part does not seem to directly affect the player. Any plans to tie it to game play? Large body parts slow you/dash shorter so you as a player want to stay small? Or maybe large breasts give you more health or larger futa provides higher cum rate or futa gives a ranged orgasam? Perhaps as simple as being last stage pregnant of any or double up with multiple parts would slow your movement speed?

Now how about some fun stuff?... like maybe messy character art the hornier you are or maybe the more sex events you've had(based on body part?)? Max size part that leaks could slowly drip from your player sprite. Or some hugger parasites or tentacles you pick these up from random enemies or at the very least the plants. These would ride your breasts and squeeze or slowly fuck them. Futa similar by being inserted or massaging balls. These would be a debuff that you can remove at certain machines. If left on overtime they increase your cum meter which plays in the above mechanic(leads to easier forced orgasm).

I feel this post is now too long but I would enjoy seeing some updates to the girl you find in random places. Would be cool if when shes being carried there was a selectable ride the player mode if futa when walking around raising the cum meter. Maybe in this mode she provides a kick strength bonus to the player since you lose the gun and dash... not sure how much more you can do with her other than other fun events with enemies if you beat them and sex them.. Maybe give her to the parasite egg layer?

Final boss really hit you with the wait, holy shit what do I do now? I do agree there's some rework to be done to make it flow better with the game. I've found that the defensive weapons like energy balls, fields, and even the girls shooting cum don't really play in any sort of manner. Kinda random or roughly positionally based.  I don't believe the boss needs to be difficult, but rather keep you running back and forth since the map is so big. Plus the boss has double the "tanking" ability.

It would be nice to see those orb things go away for this boss, and the succubus' who casts them. I feel other defenses or enemies would tie better with the boss.  The two girls on the side with the parasite dicks should be constantly releasing cum which forces you to run  but, you could sabotage them and shut them down for some time if you have sex with them (taking a parasite charge and health damage so it's a trade off but fun interactable). 

I also see how you believe the tube girls don't serve a purpose. I think if this mechanic is used you should be able to grapple them (not shoot) and stop them somehow. If you don't and they reach the boss and get absorbed then her health should be greatly healed by say 25% which makes you have to deal with them.

For the enemy spawners, I'm not sure how the succubus ladies play into the boss or even the story and they seemingly would be better replaced by other parasite controlled enemies. I would think any would do like the various parasite girls, or one that drops parasite eggs (kinda like the angel but not her). These would rotate and spawn on random chance making you change your play style slightly through the battle.

The boss should also have a breast phase attack. I'm thinking it replaces the laser beam that goes back and forth and she could either milk her self releasing a milk wave that forces you to the sides. Maybe, she gets a grapple move and forces you to sex her breast and if you cum you heal the boss similar to the tube girls.

My 2 cents on the final boss. But also enjoyed the game a lot as well.

There does not seem to be a way to access them. Probably just story telling as people were trying to protect themselves from the parasites.

Hello, just wanted to say this game is fun and unique. I've enjoyed playing the demo so far and plan to purchase the full version.

I know this game is complete and not the current game under construction but can we expect to see any quality of life improvements with the grind? Perhaps I'm just not playing it correctly, but the character debuffs really hurt especially at early game(but feel just as bad a galaxy or two later). So if you create a purge kit it removes the parasites for a few battles but then they come right back. Is there a way to make the purge kits cheaper, or reusable, or at least let them last longer? Or at the very least after a few uses the parasites cause you no debuff as you have adapted to them?

Another QOL would be buffing the resource gains from nodes in caves and such. Maybe I don't know the proper way to gain resources but getting only a single resource per node seems to be a slap to the face. I've had trouble making any kind of weapons or upgrades on the ship. I got to galaxy 3 with a single weapon upgrade and ran out of materials. Maybe I need to just buy all of the ore/liquid harvesters, but even those are expensive. I've placed down a single harvester and forgot where I put it.  Can something be added so all you have to do is either go to the planet and hit a button that says gather resources (could maybe have a small chance to encounter enemies) so you don't have to go into the caves. Or super easy mode, each extractor just automatically sends the resources to the ship whenever it gathers something?

Lastly, I find the crafting system to be overly complicated with how many different resources there are.  I feel like things need to be reworked and classified into better tiers which seems to exist to a degree. Maybe there's T1 weapons or upgrades that exist in galaxy 1-3, then T2 in 4-6, then T3 in 7-8. Something that shows a better path than what currently exists.

Let me know if I'm wrong or tips that can help me. Thanks.

Just the Apothecarist right in town, she is next to the blacksmith. The potion will pop up once you kill the lich (and/or complete the related quest).

I believe Preggopixels posts updates on his discord. They are currently remaking the game in unity I believe. So it'll be redesigned ground up instead of a mod of another's game. I assume it won't be anytime soon.

You could try running a windows emulator and use the windows version inside it. Otherwise this game will probably only be updated when they finish the new version they're working on. That's new from the ground up.

Lacto has a cameo in Cowtastic Cafe.

This game is an arcade that takes about 30 minutes per game. You can download the game and your stats and barista upgrades will save there. The barista upgrades will be unlocked every game once purchased.

No. It is an arcade game that takes roughly 30 mins per game. The outfits, milk color, and outfit colors carry though every game once purchased. The only things that reset is obviously the barista and the drink parts.

(1 edit)

It is bugged in v5.0. It works as intended in previous versions, and it has been fixed in the Patreon v5.1 version. You can still use the command window to change settings there manually.

240 to charge, and 30 or so to change it's stat.

I also hope for more clothing options and armor options. It doesn't have to be a lot since I'm sure it's time consuming and tedious for every extra piece of gear. However, I would like armor or clothing to have perhaps multiple stages of damage. Like currently with armor it just 'pops' off at the stat maximum. It would be neat to see say at 50, it begins stretching/ripping, then at 75 it does fully rip and fail but some pieces of it stay on the body to show it's not working anymore. I know with the current system armor becomes useless fairly quickly as you out grow the ability to keep the armor fitting. Also with the growing skills, or growth potions, or the few npcs that have buffs,  it just pops the armor off instantly and becomes significantly less useful which is why I believe there should be a stretching mechanic. Not to mention it would be neat to see it anyway...

I just run dungeons. I actually seem to run out of essences quickly in the last few versions. Perhaps you need to get deeper? Fountains may become more plentiful as you get past 15, 30, etc... 1 or 2 floors doesn't seem to change loot tables that much but many seems to.

At least level 5 armor isn't hard to get, just a couple essences or an ability shard should get you there if not more. It has the added benefit that at level 5 and 10 you get a bonus 10 armor points each tier.

Completely reset? Sort of. You can reallocate the stat points of a follower in the level up menu(Be sure to spend every point before leaving the menu, in previous versions it deleted those points from my follower). However, if you've only ever given essence in that stat then it won't do anything but reset the other stats. If that doesn't work you can at least level up the breastplate at the smithing anvil in town. Each level on the armor increases the stat which it breaks. So going from level 0 breastplate to level 1 will increase max breast size from 50->60.

It's cursed for a reason. You randomly get it by attacking enemies in the open world area, and may also get it from chests iirc.

Sorry, that NPC is next to the sewer entrance. Any growth orbs you've used they will take that power from you and return to you discharged growth orbs. When I had first messed with them you didn't have a choice in quantity or which ones, but rather it was everything you had at that moment.

Digitalfurbelow said that was a bug and has been already fixed in v5.1. You can still manually change the settings in the console if you need to.

You accidentally became a slime lich! The potion seller has a de-lich potion that will cure you of it.

Maybe you need to download winrar or 7zip or another .zip extractor program. Last ditch effort is perhaps you don't have enough room on your drive as the file is around 6 gigabytes. (Does your drive have a bad sector?..)

The scaling tab is from 0 to 100. If you were to set it to zero, you would be back at default size. Maybe you haven't found the correct scaling settings?