I wasn't sure if some of these would be considered bugs such as the glitching/squeezing between buildings using the booster, but I added them anyway just to be sure.
On the bridge
-Vu forgotten soul's description is inverted, the LMB description should be for RMB and the RMB description should be for LMB.
-Attempting to sortie with Memorimo from the Biokernal Infected Area results in C.R. Zero's portrait and no assistant spawning.
On the city map.
In 0
-South of the police station there is collision that looks like there shouldn't be.
-There is a section to the east of the police station entrance that let's you get out of bounds.
-On the streets along the north of the map there is rubble\roadblock that looks like it should have collision but doesn't.
-Along the south of the map there are some buildings that the player can squeeze between.
-Left of the road leading to 1N there are buildings the player can squeeze between.
-South of the road leading to 1N and west of the police station in the centre of the map there are red buildings the player can squeeze between.
In 1N
-The threshold leading to 1N1W needs some indicators to the north
In 2N
-On the west side of the map just south of the road that leads to 3N and 2N1W there is a alleyway between two buildings that leads out of bounds.
-In the north-east corner of the map there are buildings the player can squeeze between, one them is red.
In 3N
-When moving from 3N to 2N the player isn't next to the transition point as expected.
-Along the south of the map between the roads leading to 2N and 3N1E there are buildings the player can squeeze between, one of them is dark.
-Just to the east of the road leading to 4N there are buildings the player can squeeze between.
In 3N1E
-South-east of the Freija sweeper drone boss spawn point there is a corner that let's get out of bounds.
-North of the road that leads to 3N there are buildings the player can squeeze between.
-In the north-east part of the map there more buildings that can be squeezed between.
-South-west of the boss are two more buildings that can be squeezed between.
In 4N
-West of the road leading to 3N there are building that can be squeezed between.
In 5N
-West of the road leading to 4N there are building that can be squeezed between leading to out of bounds, another to the east as well.
-West of the road leading to 6N more buildings to squeeze between.
In 6N
-North-east of the return beacon are buildings the player can squeeze between.
In 7N
-Memorimo's abilities do not function.
In 4N1W
-Transition line to 3N1W near the return point doesn't have any indicators.
-Holding shift for the booster without pressing any of the move buttons allows the player to ignore collision.
In 4N2W
-The Biokernel root spire boss can be damaged from outside it's aggro range.
-Holding shift for the booster without pressing any of the move buttons allows the player to ignore collision.
In 3N1W
-Holding shift for the booster without pressing any of the move buttons allows the player to ignore collision.
In 2N1W
-Holding shift for the booster without pressing any of the move buttons allows the player to ignore collision.
In 1N1W
-Holding shift for the booster without pressing any of the move buttons allows the player to ignore collision.
edit: added another bug I just found
edit2: added game version for clarity