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Bal Dev

A member registered Mar 30, 2016 · View creator page →

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Loving this.

Hello! This is a game where you explore a post apocalyptic city hunting down giant robots and building cute robot maids with their drops! Simple huh? You can see it here: Vindictive Drive 2: Maidbot Archive by Bal Dev (

Kickstarter campaign and how you can help!

Game Features:

  • Generation 1: 10 adorable characters to collect, many more to come!
  • Voice Acting: Professional VAs from  noteworthy franchises such as Azur Lane, Life is Strange and Eternal Return! and many more epic ones to come!
  • Exploration: 3 City districts with discoverable checkpoints to explore, and many more to come!
  • Unlimited dungeon: The Stygian Traverse, an infinite dungeon with bosses that get stronger every time you beat them!
  • An official online manga
  • Characters created through player feedback, Generation 2 is being built with the result of polls!
  • Art made with love and a mouse by me

Rewards and goals.

The rewards are affordable and include becoming a NPC in a central area of the game, getting a custom made avatar, and a physical lore/illustration book, the most expensive ones include designing a Maidbot for the game and participating in the casting for that character!

The goals aim to create amazing content, as well as increasing the number of character to the hundreds!

This is a great opportunity, it can not only save the game from a serious financial situation that can severely reduce the scope, but also increase it, allowing me to invest in marketing and make it the big game I always dreamed of. This game had many updates since it was released, I promise to keep doing that, and to change anything my players wish.

Please help me share it.

Hello, I'm so sorry for the...awfully late response, I honestly forgot to check this site due to the lack of activity/feedback, generally now I'm giving most to my attention to Steam, I am taking notes though and piling them up though it's difficult to tell if I'll be able to fix all of these for next update.

Memorimo is getting a few major changes because she's just too weak compared to the rest even if her kit worked well, that is why I haven't touched her yet, hopefully I'll balance her for this week's update.

Xera is undefeatable, if you cross her during your story mission, she's there to play her role in it, if players venture too deep and find her before that story event, she will just kill them. I'm surprised to hear Kyvzaki can handle her though being close range. I'm thinking about closing the 7N block entirely unless the player reached the story requirements for it as it really serves no purpose at the moment, but I'll have to think how this carefully, I want the players to be able to free roam in the city.

About Arris' movement, it's gonna be just WASD until I implement a proper key customization system.

The boost key is supposed to boost your movement while moving, you could move with the boost before due to a bug, it does need some adjustments however, maps 0 to 7N work under an old battle system which is what's causing most of these bugs, once I replace them with the system used in the West and East maps everything will feel better.

Again sorry for the late answer and I appreciate the time you take to classify all those things, some bugs I was aware of, others not,  this week's update brings new content for the most part but I'll probably need to dedicate the whole update after this one to sweeping bugs.

I post about the upcoming updates on my Twitter and I keep a thread for my current development task on Steam's community hub here.

Thanks a lot.

(4 edits)

I'll edit this page as updates come out so that players can consult it. Also, spoilers, duh.

IMPORTANT: This walkthrough contains info on how to get past the storyline, it does not include Maidbot crafting and boss hunting, to learn how to do this properly just talk to Zero via Wagie's shop.

In the current build, crafting Maidbots is important to get past the final boss, in future builds it will be very necessary to do so.


  • Instance 1: Get out of your cell, check Emma's corpse to get some ammo, avoid the red areas as they are camera vision, go behind the counter and find a key in the second shelf, then open the door with the key to get to the next area.
  • Instance 2: In this area you are told to crouch run to get past the enemy vision, after that, you will find an enemy drone, you can either avoid it or shoot at it, two shots will do. (YOU CAN SHOOT ENEMIES THAT ARE OFF SCREEN)
  • In the next corridor, you are told to crouch-run to enter the room with a sign that says "DANGER, KEEP OUT", enter, check the electricity panel to turn the lights off, get out of the room and continue to the next corridor. While lights are off, enemies have reduced vision range.
  • In the next corridor there's an enemy drone, your best choice is to shoot at it twice, you can shoot at it before it appears on your screen.
  • After that, crouch-run to get past the enemy vision and get out of that room
  • Instance 3: As the tutorial says, drag your drone to the key on the table so it can grab it for you
  • Crouch run to avoid the enemy vision and get out of the room by using the door to your right.
  • Instance 4: There are no dangers or puzzles in this area, just walk.



  • Instance 1: Interact with the receptionist by pressing F and choose to steal the key, then, use the door.
  • Instance 2: Crouch run to avoid enemy vision, then, as the tutorial says, click on your bag button and then select the grappling hook, get under the highlighted area and click on the target to climb
  • Once you reach the balcony, just walk through the corridor.



  • Instance 1: Save the game by interacting with your computer next to your bed, then get out of your room.
  • Instance 2: It is required for you to talk to at least one of your crew mates before you can get out, it's wise to talk to your crew to get more information and some hints, especially Wagie, she has the Maidbot shop, while talking to Wagie.
  • (OPTIONAL) While talking to Wagie, check the "Interact" button while looking at Zero's card to talk to her, Zero will provide you lots of information about how to find and gather materials to craft your Maidbots.
  • When you're ready, talk to Hex again, and press on the Sortie button in her dialogue box.
  • Sortie screen: Select your Maidbot and press Sortie, while in the map screen, choose the "Police Station" area to deploy there.


  • Check the controls to navigate better, ollow your compass(Bottom Left) and sprint to the Police Station


  • Instance 1:  Drag your drone to the switch to open the door, then, use your grappling hook.
  • Instance 2: Crouch-run to the end of the room to avoid enemy fire, then, use your drone to activate the switch behind the enemy to open the door.
  • Instance 3: Avoid the enemy to the best of your ability and walk to the middle of the room, you will see a small drone, stand on the platform and shoot at it to disable the turrets
  • After that, you must walk to the platform where the enemy you just destroyed was, and walk on the steel beams behind it to access the next area, make sure to time your movement properly to not get caught by enemy fire.
  • Instance 4: Drag your drone to the switch to close the door to prevent enemy fire
  • After that, there's an enemy in the corridor, shoot at it, three shots will do, your bullets can reach it off screen as well.
  • After that, in the next room, shoot at the drone to deactivate the turrets, crouch behind the box and time your attacks properly to avoid getting shot, only one shoot is needed.
  • Instance 5: Crouch-run to avoid the helicopter fire.
  • Instance 6: Use the box for cover, the easiest way out of this is by attacking the drone that's walking alone, destroy it with three shots, after that, follow the three remaining drones from behind, until you find a spot you can hide into, once they get past you, you can get out and proceed to the next area.
  • Instance 7: Interact with the computer and proceed to the next area.
  • Instance 8: Avoid the enemy in the area and proceed to the next area.
  • Instance 9: Avoid the enemy in the area by crouch-running and proceed to the next area.
  • Instance 10: Just walk through the corridor



  • Instance 1 and 2: Save the game and get out of your room, interact with your crew and then sortie to CODE RED IMPACT ZONE.


  • Follow your compass to the North, you will be attacked by Xera, it is STRONGLY advised that you have at least crafted one or two Maidbots before taking on this mission, if you haven't, take your time to talk to Zero in the bridge via Wagie's shop, she'll tell you location and requirements for Maidbot crafting, recommended Maidbots to fight Xera with are Shireywha and Vu, while Memorimo and Zero will perform poorly against her. 
  • While in the city, you can consult your map for locations, inventory and coordinates via the button on the bottom right corner.
  • Here you have to deliver 1000 damage to Xera before the option to escape to the West is even possible, do it quickly, then Xera will get more aggressive, at this point just run to the East.


This is amazing, thank you very much for this, I see some bugs that would have been passed onto the new maidbots if ignored, I'll get to work on these asap.

Looking for feedback on Action game with stealth mechanics and top down shooter with story told via graphic novel format, if you think that's kinda your thing, feel free to give it a go as in it's current state(Alpha) those first bits of general feedback are critical, especially regarding balancing.

Game link with trailer included: Vindictive Drive 2 by Bal Dev (

Tyvm for your time

Thank you so much for your support, I'll do my best to deliver.

It's a fun game, give it a try. Also Hespe>Kosma

Sorry, this was  posted nearly a month ago when the alpha was available for free, I'll take down the post later today.

Hello community! I am currently in need of feedback for a project I just started, it has a small alpha available and given it just started, feedback is critical for its development, the game file is only 26 mb, the game is fast paced and matches are short, so it should  be quick too. This also means you may encounter a glitch or two, but the game is  more than playable.

MetalBird Tactics is a war turn based Strategy game where you build your formation choosing between two factions, with ten units each and a wide range of combinations to make, to challenge the enemy strategy.

You have only 10.000 credits to spend on your formation, so you will have to choose your units carefully.

Your objective is to destroy the enemy Mobile Base Unit

Thank you for your atteention.

For more info please visit the project page:

I'm glad to announce MetalBird Tactics was officially released and finally stable.

This is a Turn Based Strategy+Active Time game, which means every unit moves faster than others depending on their stats.

The current build has two factions and 20 units, the game is evolving quickly and constantly adding new exciting features.

If you enjoy strategy games, take a good luck at this!

Hello! Only the early access version has been released, which includes content up to chapter 6. The full version(10 chapters) will probably come out this month, I will send you a copy when it's out! Is there an email or anywhere I can contact you?

Thank you so much!

Yes...currently the only available download is the version you've had access to, I'm very sorry for the confusion, I'll get it fixed asap. I'm having some problems with the site...

Thank you for your patience and making things a bit clearer for me too.

Hello Onlineguy, I just recieved your messege to my blog and noticed the comment here...sorry for the inconvenience, Pinkerator is part of this project; his answer is official, I should have been clearer about this.

Pinkerator responded because he's been on itch longer than me and knows more about that specific issue.

I left a few graphics of my previous game there, I was thinking about adding a small easter egg or something, but I couldn't find an appropiate situation, have a good day.

Hello, sorry for the late answer, I completely missed the notification. Well, if you follow this page you should be notified when the update comes, but I will send you a messege when the time comes.

Thank you so much for your support!

Thank you so much for your support! I'm glad you like it, killing Frankie will only result in a different cartridge, which doesn't mean much in the demo, but it will open different branches later. Personally I'd choose to kill him.

Have a nice day.

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for playing it, it was fun to watch! It's always possitive to find feedback from people playing in real time, I'm going to share it with my team and followers in my blog. Have a great day.

Hello community, I'd like to show you my frist project. The game is complete and made with love.

War of Existence is a real time action game, with fast moving scenarios and lots of illustrations.

The story follows a mysterious girl and a swordsman in a post apocalyptic scenario, a Divine Entity judges humanity as an evil race and the extintion is announced, the game features elements of existentialism and some religious references.

Here's a small video with one of the boss battles:

Here's a link to the project's page, I hope you like it. Have a good day!