Hi! I love the game a lot, and I've got two questions, so I'll start with the smaller one.
In the mechanics shop, the Arbelist's parts and stratagems all use Fin/Dur to attack, except the Shoulder Mortar which uses Fin/Mob. Considering its Tank Buster strategem still uses Fin/Dur, I'm assuming that's a typo?
Second, if a part that takes up two arm slots, like the Berserker's Blaze Axe, were to break, what happens? I'm assuming each "slot" text box kinda functions as its own arm, so for example, if the arm with the Stratagems breaks, then you lose access to the Stratagems but still have the other arms stat boosts and push/pull negation, and vice versa? Or does the whole axe stay active until both arm slots are broken? And if you were have the Super Robot Helm that lets you take a two-handed Arm Slot in 1 hand, I'm assuming that if that arm breaks then the whole weapon is lost since the entire weapon occupies 1 slot now, instead of your Mec weirdly having three arm slots?