Hey Evelend Team,
I just played into your game after waiting for a playable version literally years. The concept your game is based on is fantastic and I can't believe you actually got it to work.
And while it certainly can be proud of some aspects (which I will mention a few lines below), it feels like there is still so much work to be done. The general level of polish feels very underwhelming, even after just a few minutes of playing the game.
Now, I of course understand that it can be very hard to make games, especially with a team of only 3 people and also considering that it is the very first big game you are working on. Which is why I want to offer my help in assisting you with the Quality Assurance.
I've been working as a professional playtester in the QA department of a middle sized game developer for a year now, so I can bring some insights and competences. I'm also very well informed about pretty much everything regarding video games and I have many, many years of experience as a gamer.
Of course we are talking about unpaid assistance here and I obviously can't fully devote myself to finding bugs for your game, but I am willing to offer some of my free time in order to help you find and hopefully squash out those nasty bugs, glitches and general problems of your game. That is, of course, if you actually feel capable of working with my feedback and bug reports.
In case you are interested, I'll leave you my Discord contact data, so you can reach me: HappyxYaYx #2447
Regardless of your decision, here are some first thoughts and problems I encountered:
Let's start with the positive impressions: I took a scroll through your enemy library and I'm massively impressed by the sheer number and variety of enemies in your game. The pixel art presented in the game is very charming and the soundtrack is a good fit. Furthermore the generated rooms often look very nice and I was really surprised by how big some of these rooms can get. Since I haven't played too far into the game yet, this is all the positive feedback I can give right now.
Now (and it almost hurts my heart to say it like this), there is a lot of stuff currently wrong or unfinished in the game. The fighting system is way too simple to actually work in a roguelike game. It feels in no way satisfying and just plain isn't very fun. Adding combos or multiple attack variations as well as more "weight" to attacks would be a good step to improve the fighting of the game. The hitboxes are also very confusing at times, which is especially frustrating when you consider the permadeath feature of the game.
I've also encountered various issues with the room generation. Some of the rooms are way too big, considering their actual contents. I was literally climbing for 2 minutes in a room that only had 4 enemies and 3 doors in it. There are also some issues with the placement of platforms. Sometimes they are very hard to reach and require some pinpoint precision, which is more frustrating than it is fun.
I'm also not a fan of the menu and UI design. There were also some general issues to be found, like I had to click every option in the main menu 4 times before it actually transitioned me to the next screen. Some parts of the monster descriptions inside the Filedex were too long for my screen and went offscreen to the right.
There is also an issue with talking NPCs. I think it would be a lot more intuitive if you would have to press E once to open a dialogue and to press it again to close that dialogue, instead of having to wait for it to close. The NPC file names are also on a layer above the textboxes, so they overlap with the text in the textboxes and make it hard to read. Furthermore, if you press E while standing too close to 2 or more NPCs, all of them will start talking at the same time.
It's many small issues like these that amount to a general feeling of incompletion or very low polish.
I hope I could help you with this first wave of feedback and I really hope that I didn't demotivated you with this. I still have a lot of faith in you guys and this game! You can do it!