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A high-end code editor for all things GameMaker · By YellowAfterlife

Feature Request: per project runtime setting

A topic by space created Oct 18, 2023 Views: 132 Replies: 2
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requesting a way to set the runtime on a per-project bases. 

I have to work with multiple projects that use different runtimes, using Stitch to quickly change ide/runtime versions.

but in gm edit each time i switch projects i have to go into GM Edit settings and change the runtime. I'm sure i'm not the only person who has this issue.

I realise this is a builder thing and not directly a GM edit thing. But i couldn't find a way to request features for Builder.

Thanks for all your work. i am a huge fan of gm edit and many of your other projects.


Builder has a per-project setting that goes in Project Properties - usually at the bottom.

amazing. thank you!