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Discord Server?

A topic by Renaud Marshall created Oct 29, 2018 Views: 1,113 Replies: 9
Viewing posts 1 to 5

Did a Discord server end up being made for the jam? It would be nice to interact with folks here in a more user friendly way.

I did see that we got the project thread subforum suggestion fulfilled. Thanks for that! I'll make an addition for my project there tonight or tomorrow.

As far as I know there is none, but it seems to be discussed a good amount in the RPG Maker subreddit server and the Lunatic server(Yanfly's server), both of which Degica employees have a presence on.

May we have a link to the subreddit and Lunatic server?




Though not officially announced as such this year, last year's discord server still exists


Shhh... We are trying to keep it a secret that it still exists.

(2 edits) (+2)

nirwanda is correct.  Many of us are using IGMC 2017's server.  Some Degica staff are on it, and at least one of last year's judges.

(2 edits) (+3)

I rejoined it today. I had left it midyear between contests, but will rejoin to talk to people on there.

Just a heads up though, I'm not always super fast at replying to things on discord, as I use my personal discord account for it, which means sometimes that I'm logged in, I'm not "at work" and am just trying to chill (or logged in cause I'm playing D&D online and using voice chat or something). I promise I'll always try to get back to people,  just not always lightning fast.

I'm also in the r/rpgmaker discord and the Lunatic one.


Thank you! That is the information I needed. I've joined the IGMC discord server.