I didn't notice the project page before so moving post to here.
Days 1-2
-Mostly focused on the planning.
Decided to use RPG Maker MV considering I bought it a few years ago but I never finished making a game in RPG Maker. Also unlike my last IGMC, I now have a full time job and other responsibilities so I only have a few hours per day to work on this jam and RPG Maker would make it much easier to start a project than unity.
Title pending but decided game's battle system should be similar to card games like hearthstone, magic, and yugioh but in an rpg setting without cards.
Even though I want a unique battle system I'm also inspired by undertale and yanderesim where the game can be completed without a single battle.
Finally I decided on having a domino effect similar to yanderesim where I would have a finite number of students in a school who each will be at specific places at specific times. However the player's actions can change character schedules and there will be both combat and non combat options for achieving any goals.
While I have thought of a story and 3 possible endings, They are still tentative to change.
Planning for characters and routes are written down but are subject to change so I won't mention anything yet. First goal is to get the battle system working how I want with the help of some yanfly plugins.
Thats all I got for now.