Hi, ran into a few bugs.
First the two crashes which I can't consistently reproduce:
action number 1
of Step Event1
for object obj_game_manager:
Unable to find instance for object index 131531
at gml_Object_obj_game_manager_Step_1
gml_Object_obj_game_manager_Step_1 (line -1)
This happened twice when I was fighting the Gaji gauntlet, game overed then came back at hit the bell again.
action number 1
of Step Event1
for object obj_game_manager:
Unable to find instance for object index 101974
at gml_Object_obj_game_manager_Step_1
gml_Object_obj_game_manager_Step_1 (line -1)
This one I game overed to Hiyoko, then went to the samurai gauntlet.
Then the non-crashes:
In the Gaji gauntlet I would beat the first two dolls, then game over to the third. The lock on would persist until reopening the game. In addition the second doll would not respawn and I'd be stuck with no opponent until the timer kills me.