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A member registered Jun 02, 2019 · View creator page →

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thanks for taking the time to do that playtest and write all this up! it's very useful insight to have

hmmmmmmmmm, this is a weird one...
i  am able to reproduce it and figured out a fix, but I don't know _why_ it's only crashing in that room... ostensibly it should be crashing in all the rooms asl;dfkj

thanks for the report though!

it seems that something in a recent gamemaker update has messed up the ability to remap the keys, so I'll try and get that fixed. I recently updated the IDE, and hadn't checked the mappings, so I imagine some of the built in functions are different.

sorry about that! it should hopefully be fixed in tomorrow's build

currently there is not, i'm afraid.

yeah, the slowtime input is a seperate feature. i recently updated game maker which the update notes mentioned having some changes to reading more buttons on gamepads such as the touchpad on dualshock controllers. i'll have to look into this, but i'm guessing that right now it might be detecting the circle input as another input as well, possibly.

thank you for the report

no need for apologies!

it's a bit of the nature of the regular micro updates, lots of little changes, i even find it hard to keep it all straight lol

this is a change i've been trying out for various reasons, new to the 6/22 version.

Suu's dash is for now a step dash with a set distance to it. The goal of the change was to get the double-tap dash to behave the same as the dash-button dash in respect to a held press.

oh, yeah, i uploaded a version with the debug actions deactivated.

sorry  about that.

thanks for the feedback! yeah, making changes to jump input parsing seems reasonable. i'd actually been meaning to change the superjump to being a tap prerequisite. seal of continues not clearing after finishing the bonfire event isn't _exactly_ a bug, since it clears if you use the cleansing bell or get a game over. clearing the bonfire isn't a 'full reset', at least not right now.

ty for the kind words!

optimization is always something i try to look for so the game runs smoothly. the large room with Hiyoko on the balcony is actually a room that i made for doing stress tests with a very large stacked area. the doll patio getting slow down is more concerning as it's much more compact (though there are a lot of actors loaded into the scene there). so, no specific plans currently, but i'll try and look in to the doll patio for what the resource drain is

oh cool! i hope you had fun and look forward to when more is added! thank you for playing!!

everything will be dead

uh, the main -things to do- in the current build are:

-doll patio encounter to meet Gaji
-kiku ambush in the basement of the ruined house
-battle the skeleton on the bridge
-battle the pig ninjas in the cave
-battle hiyoko on the baclony
-finish the Don't You Remember scenario
-hidden fight in Don't You Remember
-and the alternate version of the Don't You Remember scenario accessed through the bonfire

and then training mode labbing if you'd like

oh yeah, that happens if hiyoko is interrupted during the super before hitting the ground. it can be cleared by recasting it. i'll try and get that fixed today.

oh, yes, i found this one earlier this week. it along with some of the targeting system 'nearest target' detection has been fixed and will be in tomorrow's build. i had recently changed the y coordinate to using a centered position on the target, and kill shot was using the wrong value to snap to.

ty for the report

hi Lilly! thank you for the kind words ♥

i just saw the message on the twitch dms before i started stream today, sorry i hadn't responded yet (though, yeah twitch dms are a little clunky)

im on discord if you'd like to add me there (addaline there), or on twitter (though twitter dms are also crusty lol), though i'm not as interesting as blade sight is probably

♥ thank you for the kind words.

i would like to get the game localized for other languages if possible, but it's still too early to start on that step currently.

the controls can be remapped in the menu for controllers and keyboard, but the defaults are:
WASD - move
J - Light Attack
K - Jump
L - Dash
U - Heavy Attack
I - Girlfriend Attack (requires a girlfriend)
O - Interact (can be held down to target)
Y - Cancel (is a macro for Heavy Attack + Girlfriend Attack)
H - Grab (is a macro for Light Attack + Girlfriend Attack)
N - Burst (is a macro for Light Attack + Heavy Attack)
Escape - open menu
Spacebar - slow down game speed
Arrow Keys - reserved for movement
Enter - reserved for accept in the menu

on controller (dualshock buttons, latest version)
D-Pad/Joystick - move
Square - Light Attack
X - Jump
O - Dash
Triangle - Heavy Aattack
R1 - Girlfriend attack
L1 - Interact (can be held down to target)
L2 - Cancel (is a macro for Heavy Attack + Girlfriend Attack)
R2 - Grab (is a macro for Light Attack + Girlfriend Attack)
Start - open menu

i don't have a plan to move to any other platforms. i intend for the final version of the game to be available on itch. i'm glad you've been enjoying the game!

ty!! Matsu is only available as an assist through debug tools currently, I've been wanting to put her in a special place, but it might make sense to have her more easily available while everything is under construction. She can be found as a boss in a specific secret area, but can't be asked out. As far as the fish, only one suit of the fish (Ayu) are currently available (so, the top row of the fishing page).

This is actually reminding me that I should probably have a spoilered checklist of things to do for people to check to see if they've gotten everything already, because there are some secrets, usually trying out interactions to see how they feel in a larger scope.

it's meant to allow you to use your preferred peripherals. there is a keyboard remapping and gamepad remapping menu in the pause menu (can open by pressing ESC) under settings and then in the controls section. is it having problems recognizing your pad or accessing the menu?

i haven't been able to put together a full mechanic-overview-tutorial for the game yet, as the project is very much still in progress. the opening "dont you remember" scenario is a sort of challenge gauntlet that rapidly builds in difficulty. you can exit it by taking the option "please let it stop" after losing all your extra lives to take a reset back to the actual main area of the game, where the game gets a little more sandboxy and gives some space to play with mechanics. You can revisit it later by talking to the Miko and asking her "don't you remember?".

beyond the guantlets there is not as much linear progress to the game, as it is in a sandbox state, essentially a big tutorial play area.

i'm sorry for the frustration with the poor documentation, it's been hard to stay on top of everything and i am failing in that regard.

oh sorry about that - re: accepting the outfit from Momiji. it is currently broken, it's still tied to the old color change library. She just unlocks the Akumajou Kimono color for Suu, which can be purchased with points in the pause menu.

thank you for the write up!

i think the pillowcases for 1&3 are duplicates of each other? They are different index slots, so I'll be able to get some variation on there later

yeah, difficulty seals are just flatly cleared after a gameover, i wasn't sure which way was more jarring for no-continue, lol. also realized after posting i did not get them into the save-file, so they get wiped after reloading~

girlfriends getting stuck sitting or in reveal loops is a -thing-, i need to revisit that part of the system

Curse Level up items i'd wanted to replace with the Curse Points items; the conversion on all of that is still kind of coming together. Purple skulls are worth a lot and can be taken out quickly and -are- accessible to fight currently as well- (also the % read is a lie, it's just 1curse=1point and the tip over point increases at each level, something like 100, 110, 130, 150 iirc)

Matsu may get accessories, i need to decide how much work i want to take on for her

(hello Joy's GF Draida!!)

thank you for all the reports/feedback - im catching up on things now that i'm -back- from holiday stuff.

two of them i can comment on is the numpad 0 debug key will probably not be changed to keep the enemies unlocked forever, i kind of like that it doesn't forever alter a save file. I can detach it from the -dying- effect or make it a toggle in the options that can be turned on/off (and have the toggle allow to save).

the second one is the 'resetting' doesn't fully reset everything currently. a lot of the progress metrics have been changing recently with 1up pieces and cursepoints/pointvalue/etc etc

thank you again!

hmm, that's really odd

there is the two audiogroup data files, the exe, another data file, and a config file

i have no clue what could be doing it, honestly, especially if it's for all the previous uploads as well.

hmmmm, yeah that sounds off
controller issues are always a little tricky; i'm not familiar with DS4Windows and how it presents the inputs. The keyboard and gamepad are always 'active', and arrow keys always do directional inputs, so if it's inputting the controls as both a controller and keyboard, that could cause the double input.

there is an option to change which 'controller' the game is listening to that maybe(?) might get it to only listen to one of the inputs. it's in the 'controller remapping' menu

hello, you can do a super jump by holding down when you press jump, and then double jump the rest of the way. (also using 236H (the quarter circle forward attack) with the katana can work as a third jump, but super jump works as well. It's currently missing from the movelist cards, and i haven't added any sort of movement tutorial yet.

sorry about  that!

(AppData is a hidden folder, you may need to change some display settings in windows for it to appear)

Thank you so much for the kind words and feedback.

First, the bugs; 
- pause menu lock is troubling, i'll need to get that fixed.
- Momiji's prompt stays up because the input the game is looking for is actually Suu -greeting-, which she cant do while being held. This was on my to do list to adjust either hiding the input if she can't greet or allowing the raw input to work.
- The card selection doesn't have an effect if they don't do a little -shine- effect. The wiggle means that it doesn't do anything.

a few tips and thoughts on the notes;
-Gameplay is very hard right now. Enemies are all much more aggressive than many of them should be and the pace is very fast. Enemy AI has been a very tricky area that's been churning a lot recently until I took a break from it this last week to do portrait art/display systems. Beyond that though, the game on a mechanical level is still very tough, and it's something I'm always on the look out to ease if possible.
-GunDoll (and all of the dolls) are generally very tough. They all use the player's moveset, so you don't have much of a built in advantage in speed/power. It sounds like a potential bug if Grazing through one of the GunDoll's attacks isn't giving weakness reveals, though. The Gun doesn't aim upwards, so you can play around the shape of its hitbox with air-approaches.
-Gashadokuro is actually fairly weak to grabs. (More seriously this enemy needs deeper work. Their moveset has been largely unchanged through a lot of other changes and it's -weird- comparatively. Kind of the case with most enemies, but Gashadokuro sticks due to its size and power). Enemies can be made to path back to their origin spot by moving away from them. There is a range past their spawn point that they don't like to engage past (in the 11/4 version), though if you are -between them and their spawn- they will stay engaged since their retreat is blocked.
-The gold freeze hits are a Clash, which happens if two characters hit each other on the exact some frame. Basically the effect is the (~40frame) freeze and both attackers super-armor through that hit. It's kind of a signal that it's time to -quickdraw-, since both characters are allowed to cancel their moves normally. (Red Canceling here is very strong since it's technically the fastest move.)

i'll be brief here, for a few words on yourlighter thoughts;
-first, ty so much for sharing your thoughts!!
-Gaji is a weird one. She's a bunraku ghost puppeteer, who is definitely on the [Playing Games] side of that spectrum (as a fun aside; her name comes from the Hanafuda Storm card, which is a sort of Wildcard in some rulesets. Hanafuda figures into so much stuff in this project, tbh). I haven't fully settled all of the stuff between Suu/Gaji/Momiji/Matsu, so it can come across as inconsistent, especially going off of previous versions.

uh oh,

save data for game maker studio 2 (on Windows) is put into Users/[your username]/AppData/Local/blade_sight_0_1, it will be the savedata.ini file in that folder.

mm, ty

Both of these were fixed today; the targeting system for Duels uses a dedicated memory slot for the Rival (which the player is forced to target); This wasn't clearing unless combat -concluded- which taking a game over doesn't do, so the Rival would stay cached. When returning to the room the targeting would snap back on, or in the case of starting combat again; lock you to the wrong target or crash if it was an enemy that hadn't spawned yet.

Room changes now clear that value so it will be fixed in the next build.

aw, ty so much!!

I know about some of these bugs, but; "Dying in the pig ninja fight or the duel with deadname doll and taking a go-home makes it so that next time you go to that area, the camera pans over there and gets stuck a mile away from you" - this is a bug i had no idea about or thought was possible, thank you for the report on that.

to answer the important question up front: Suu can bite Momiji at Curse Level 4. It's just an arbitrary condition currently; curse level can be changed in the menu options at the bottom of the list.

related to that; the score and unlocks. the values are all entirely arbitrary and completely unbalanced. I actually have no clue yet how i want to balance score gain specifically, if it should be zero-sum, farmable, etc; i could go on and on here, but basically that was something i was going to shape around the final gameplay loop once it's solid. for now the numpad 8 key can be used to gain score. Currently i think i want to get the unlocks to be tied to lifetime score instead of current score, it's just on the backburner atm.

The in-game documentation; there's been a lot of system/mechanic churn the past couple months, so making the explainers hadn't come up yet. If a lot of the stuff around tutorialization seems rushed, it's because it is! A good friend convinced me to start pushing out demo builds on a regular schedule -before i felt fully ready- because they saw i'd gotten stuck in a loop of -never being ready-, so... here we are... that said; getting a menu with like, a glossary of mechanics IS something i want to get to eventually, as well as better pacing of the difficulty starting out. The intro is kind of a deep-end-push that's setup to mirror the original jam version of the game.

Fishing rod... there's going to be some churn on fishing rod before all is said and done.

Mikiri and Stress are strictly buffs (Mikiri is kind of replacing stress, though it's so new i haven't ironed it all out yet). The bandages are a max hp penalty for higher difficulties; though Suu actually has guilty gear style guts so the penalty isn't quite as bad as it looks. Level 3 is 25% reduction, Level 4 is 50% reduction. I liked the bandaged hp bar thematically far more than just increasing enemy damage which is what it stands in for, essentially.

Bonefire with a Clean Heart crash is put in intentionally, kind of as a joke/secret, as once the game reloads it's back into a nightmare

Thank you so much for the kind words and feedback, it means a lot to hear from players.

I think this is related to the auto-combo setting; did you turn that on?

right now it routes through attack states, though it's still snapshotted to an older version of Suu's moveset where the state.heavy id would get assigned to moves (now they heavy attacks are unique state ids between weapons).

i have the auto-combo code disabled in a patch i'm going to post, i have another bug i'm checking on before I post

I'm looking into it now, if i'm able to figure it out i'll get a new build posted and let you know.

thank you so much for the feedback!

Yeah, the explanation for mechanics is just not there currently. Since the last build the mechanics have only grown and there are some that -aren't-fully-implemented-yet-, one if which is player break status. i haven't touched it much yet since the last pass on the system, but currently how it works is that it's what happens if you wrongblock a high or a low (so if you don't hold down to block a sweep, etc). The player has 3 cards though, so the player doesn't immediately break on the first mistake. The time on breaks and number of cards is supposed to change with difficulty differently (for instance, i'd like to set it as 'infinite' cards for curse level 1), but instead right now it matches the enemy's stats; you actually suffer less break on higher difficulties currently.

Better documentation and tutorials are something i want to do, but while systems churn they have short life spans. The dolls and matsu currently have extremely strong pressure

bless, ty, this is a new bug i haven't seen; (easy fix; it was from changing the damage state from a compound 40 part state to 40 different damage states, to make them easier to access, i thought i had removed all the references to the old damage, but alas, a fish getting off the hook would use the old flinch state)
thank you for the bug report and the very kind words.

i'm intending to do more frequent builds going forward, the trade off being (especially this first one) there are going to be a bunch of little bugs and problems

i should probably get something up with known issues... actually...

ty, I had someone else report it as well,

uh, i hadn't gotten all the command grab stuff fixed up, so the 236H attack with Feral is buggy right now. i forgot i left it in the item bubble out in the test areas.

thank you for the report! i'll try to make sure this is addressed for next week's update

sure, if you'd like


I'm sorry about the confusion with the Attack Button names. I had settled on L (light) and H (heavy) for my button nomenclature thinking they would be parse-able. As it's a PC game with rebindable controls, I wasn't sure what button(s) the player would align them to, so I thought it potentially best to go with an intermediary icon describing the -action- instead of the physical button.

For the inputs on the crosshair with a tail, those are motion inputs, where you make a small motion on the d-pad input (the crosshair is a representation of a controller d-pad). There is a little explainer in the combat tips, though that's pretty buried. This is a trickier concept to explain and one that I've not been able to tutorialize yet. They are a standard fighting game style of input, so there are lots of explainers, tips and resources online explaining them, but I'll try and explain best as I can here; -For bird input (and most of the special inputs in the game) you'll press down-downforward-forward then the attack button for the skill you want (for bird it'll be [L]). You can think of it like 'start from a crouch, then roll up into a walk, and attack'. The Z input is on one skill on the gun, and it's a trickier input. On keyboard it can be fun to get the sequence figured out, you'll tap on the WASD keys like [D] -> [S] -> [S+D at the same time] -> action button

As an aside on the motion inputs, the -backwards quarter circle- motion is a little trickier in concept. You'll roll to the backwards (the direction the character is not facing) to do the input. Since you are free to turn around and face how you like in this game (not standard for a fighting game), I have the motions use what direction you were facing -when you started the crouch- to determine if it was a -forward- or -backward- input. If it doesn't seem to come out sometimes, this may be why. I try to give most quartercircle forward inputs a mirrored back input so you'll at least get something, but there are gaps.

Final note on the inputs is that there is an option to remove the motion inputs from the enemy card selection, so enemies won't be able to require you to use them. You can still use them in you combos as you wish, though.

The grab input is a tricky one, part of the tap input on it was to make it -less- sensitive, [H] is commonly pressed while holding forward, while you may not always want the grab. This is still a move I've been considering where and how it fits into the overall flow of the game. You shouldn't -need- to worry about grab too much, if I remember correctly it's not in the table for enemies to pick as their defense card, so it shouldn't be -required- at any point. You can use that input (direction+[H]) for breaking out of grabs, however!

Interact (or Taunt/Emote) being on a face button was where it ended up fitting, though having the version that can not be cancelled out of was a mistake. The button hasn't moved from there specifically yet, though the emote actions work differently now. Sorry about that.

I loaded up the itch version to check on the space bar binding - it should work, though it'll show Undefined (I didn't cases set up for keys that gamemaker didn't have a letter name for, but it does work). There are 2 menus for rebinding controls, one accepts keyboard inputs, the other controller inputs. You can do mixed inputs, but you'll need to set the keyboard inputs on the keyboard menu

Thanks for giving it a shot, I freely admit that the game is difficult on a mechanical level, it's fast and there's a lot of interactions that can be hard to parse, so I've been trying to make sure to include what I can to help crack into it when I can.

Thank you for the feedback!

The story flow is very early in development relative to the combat gameplay itself. I'm glad you were able to figure out the combat, the difficulty ramps fairly quickly as there isn't really a defined early/late game currently, what with there being really only 3 main encounters (the shrine, Matsu, and the Puppeteer)

I'm curious what you mean by registering a [half circle] input, there aren't any moves that use a half circle input currently. Is it the [quarter circle backwards] inputs getting picked up when you try to use a quarter circle in the direction you aren't facing?

Matsu's overeagerness to talk to Suu has been fixed already, though, as getting the game into a (relatively) stable build for play testing / just playing had me putting off some work on the NPC ai, which i'm now deep into working through.