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[Paid][QA] Looking for QA Tester! - Filled

A topic by Team Isekai created Nov 10, 2023 Views: 307 Replies: 2
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(1 edit)

Team Isekai is looking for a dedicated Quality Assurance Tester!

This position has been filled. Thanks to all who applied!

We are looking for a QA Tester to assess the quality of our game and to ensure stability between updates. We offer payments for bug discoveries as well as a retainer fee. Isekai RPG is an adult action-adventure game with role-playing elements.

Job Info


  • Report bugs and errors.
  • Conduct post-update testing.
  • Help troubleshoot issues.


  • Must be over the age of 18.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Ability to document and troubleshoot errors.

Familiarity with Unreal Engine is preferred, but not required. No programming experience necessary. Thank you!

Hi! I joined the server. Let me know if you need help ;)

Sounds like you're using a bug bounty system?

While a team first writing specifications before writing code is a serious time sink, you end up with less trouble during debugging phases. As automated testing can only catch the most glaring errors. While the game seems to be single player, are you seeking contribution to stress test server/network load?

Where are you in the development cycle? Still working on prototying, or are you finalising a major rollout?