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Can you lose?

A topic by jasoriffic created Nov 27, 2023 Views: 5,198 Replies: 11
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I've been playing for a bit. My girl managed to get herself into some pretty nasty scrapes, but managed to wiggle out of enough to keep going. Now, though, she's taken too mach to ever likely escape from. Is it worth continuing? Is there a lose state? Any indication of when she's too far gone? Or do you just keep playing until you choose to abandon her quest and start again with a new hapless girl? It almost seems like once you're in too deep, there's pretty much nothing the badguys can do to you. Just headbutt anyone who puts a leash on you whenever you have enough stamina, and you can travel forever.

Also, is there a way to win?


At the moment there are no hard gameovers, but being softlocked is part of the intended end state.

I like to think that the player is the one that gives up, not the character :)

One of the upcoming features in a future update is additional prisons, so for example you can be forced to work in a maid cafe, etc, with no hope of escaping.

Im also open to feedback regarding headbutting enemies and damage dealt… Seems like a totally restrained character shouldnt be able to attack even.

As for a win state, there is a final boss on floor 20 and you can do New Game Plus afterward, but thats technically a win. The game gets harder on subsequent runs too


Deleted 196 days ago

Daw thank you.


Good to know, thanks!

Hmm... I can see unarmed attacks going both ways. It's definitely more realistic to be completely at the mercy of the dungeon if you ever lose control like that, but it's also sometime fun to have a chance to escape, even when all seems lost. Maybe have that be another toggle in the perk menu?

I've kept going with it, and I'm impressed by the depth of mechanics in this. I'm still trying to figure out how the goddesses and factions can be used to survive longer. I'm also definitely not using magic to it's fullest. But I can see the tools are there, and it's only my own fault for not using them.

I can tell that a lot of effort has been put into this! Well done!

Deleted 196 days ago
(7 edits) (+2)

Oh! Actually instead of permanently locked in a maid cafe, I wish I could have a chance to work hard there for freedom after being captured (it may be hard, but you can or possibly be free if you spend a long time) , or just earn some money there lol.

And, really hope you can make the work interesting, like a "bondage maid simulator". XD

Deleted 196 days ago

Making it interesting is the hard part. I plan to have customers and orders and such but its relatively deep content so I will have to devote a week or 2 to working on it.


I definitely hit that softlock since I tried to play the game as a sub and found out quickly you just have no way to ever get out of the gear even if you can still progress.  The idea of being forced to don say the "maid set" and be made to do work around the dungeon is really cool, where you can progress by submitting.  Also, maybe have them remove other bondage before they put their set on to keep the clutter down and reward you for being a good little sub?  And then maybe have some tasks you can do fully bound and the more tasks you do the more of the gear they remove?  (Though I imagine there are some they would never remove like toys)  Idk, its your game and that doesn't seem to be the direction you are taking it but as someone who likes to go the "sub" route in games like this I wanted to through out the idea and see if its something you like the idea of.


Yes I do need to improve the existing decluttering system. I was also thinking that the colors of items could change when you are jailed to help avoid the clown-like look of having a billion rainbow colors.

I really hope we will have many special prisions as that is something that would really make the game more fun. But also maybe an option for people that want to even escape these unescaple situations would be nice. I really like the fact that the game is so customaizable in diffuculty and things that happen so this would also really be good even more so for people that may not be so good at the game.


Sounds like a great idea. My suggestion, have a checkable box when you choose settings for the run for if the special prisons are escapable or not. Seems a lot of people feel it should be one way or another. Myself personally I like the idea that there is always a way out. It may be hard or long- but possible.

Игра отличная но на андроиде сложно, в начале всё хорошо но взаимодействие с девочками или врагами начинает лагать, моя девочка попадается на некоторые ловушки но напарники всегда спасают, игра отличная разработчики спасибо за игру


啊?the maid cafe with no hope of escaping,this plan for 1 year ago…… i hope sir author never forget it  QAQ