Keeping it to remarks this time! This just feels like the most comfortable way to give feedback for now
Katana Doll lost its mask!
Katana j.214H isn't *as* awkward as 214H, but it still feels kind of bad to draw it as a card, since (unless you use meter) on a Full Break it feels like you're nearly guaranteed to lose your OTG, and on a Part Break it feels like you're straight up putting yourself in danger on-hit
The new timing for Hiyoko Dive is cool as hell, real potent, a lot easier to connect, too. That said, I feel like maybe its stun is a little too good. It feels like most anything I would have used 50% meter to Cancel Shift for, I'm way better off using Hiyoko Dive for. This is hardly the worst thing in the world though, since CS is easier to perform and has a different feel to it so I still use it
Sitting down immediately after asking Momiji out on a date makes her act strangely. She transforms back and forth and slides to the left, and if she does manage to reach the player and sit down, she can get stuck there.
First and third pillowcases are confusing right now. No clue what that's about right now
Difficulty seals are cleared both by noncontinue and by restarting the application. Particularly, the "no continues" seal being cleared by not continuing is sort of jarring, seeing as noncontinue, by its nature, already drops you off right next to the bell that would allow you to voluntarily clear it
Looks like all the "Curse level go up immediately" pickups are gone, so for now I suppose I'll be splashing around the DnD nightmare if I feel like farming curse w/o using the debug option or beating on the cursed dummies.
Speaking of the cursed dummies, they highlight something fairly notable: If you have say, 90% progress towards the next curse level, and you gain 50% all at once, you still start the next curse level at 0%. This can cause a lot of curse% to go missing
Speaking-of-speaking-of-that, 100% curse doesn't seem to tip you over? Just one of those kinds a things
The paper wall foreground really is such a romantic spot to ask your GF for Stuff.
Lastly, I know Matsu already has that big hat, but. Could be bigger. Sky's the limit, really