If you have any feedback or suggestions, feel free to post here!
The ring of a school bell, the happy laughter of children that eventually fades into a haunting, empty silence. · By
We already released the generator here :D https://visustella.itch.io/stella-character-generator
Hi!Archeia, What's the format of your assets? are they suitable for other game engines or they're just for GameMaker?
By the way, what's included in this assets: https://visustellamz.itch.io/wave-5-bundle ?
Will there be an update for the Armory with cloth and leather armor? (or am I overlooking something?) I see cloth-like head- and footgear, but not proper armors. I'd love to use the Armory (and Atelier) assets for my game, but without 'light armor' it's not usable for me. I don't mind waiting for it a bit. but I'd like to know now (before I properly start) if I'll be able to use it or not.