Hi! So…I was wondering about how I could rework the labirynth riddle so that it is more…well, Polish :) and I came up with an idea which THEORETICALLY is brillant! I decided to change ‘senno’ to Polish word for ‘sense’(which is just ONE LETTER OFF: ‘sens’-I mean like in ‘making sense’ not like one of the five SENSES)and then, because we need that fifth direction, conjugate it! Basically the direction combination would be South-East-North-South-Up.(and yes, I am using English/internationally accepted symbols for the directions, because TWO of the directions in Polish-north and south-start with a ‘P’-północ/południe. So I would need to pull off shortenings like PLN and PLD…which would be TOTALLY impractical for the riddle!) Buuuut…that requires changing the coordinates/labirynth behavior, right? Could I please ask for some advice on how that could be done? And another pronlem: would the ‘Up’ command/coordinate be even VALID/feasible in that labirynth? Or is it only possible to move on a horizontal plane (am I making sense? Haha😂)there? Thanks in advance for help, Natalia