Eh… I guess in its current state it’s fine. Besides… don’t people watch videos MOSTLY on mobile devices anyway these days? If my project is fully operational on mobile devices… good enough for my first audiovisual translation 😊 Buuut… just out of curiosity: what exactly would I need to do to tackle these browser compatibility problems? Have also an .srt copy of subtitles ready or what…? Apparently some browsers just WON’T ACCEPT WebVTT. Only SRT. (There are also others, but these are even more niche?)Or is it a programing thing? I don’t know! Advice will be appreciated 🙂
Natalia Ryś
Creator of
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So this is awkward… I’ve tested a bunch of browsers (well, 2) and:
Safari: works with no problems.
Desktop Edge: the video launches/project loads fine, but I cannot for the life of me find that 3 dots button in the player which I used to activate subtitles on Safari, so subtitles are missing. Or rather hidden. The only 2 buttons are Picture in Picture and Enchance at the top of the player window!
MOBILE Edge: won’t even LOAD the video/project page! White screen is all I get.
Sooo… 1/3 of a success? 😂 But no… if it doesn’t work EVERYWHERE, then I need to admit defeat 😭
But wait a second! This time the source folder HAD a "folder in a folder" situation going on! (translateme—->night—->index.html and .vtt file) whereas my zip folder does NOT! (Opening an unzipped folder unveils the two files right off the bat). So I messed up in the OTHER direction! Should have used the Compress command on the "night" folder (2nd level) not on the two files themselves (3rd level), right? So that another "container" is added…? Although it did play… just without the subtitles. If I destroyed the folder/file structure, the whole thing would just hang, correct?
Here’s the screenshot for reference. Don’t mind files (folders?) no. 1 and 4 😂 the fourth folder is a result of zipping index.html and my Polish subtitle translation together… and the first one was just my unzipping my own .zip folder to peek inside - because maybe it was a structure issue? (it was NOT)
Oh no! I also have a problem: I translated the .vtt file to Polish (via a CAT tool that has a filter for them, so I am sure I did NOT break any of the… scaffolding 😂(essential file elements, tags, timing labels etc.)), then renamed it, because the CAT tool attached a _pl bit to it (so ultimately/after my modifications it had the name night_of_the_living_dead.vtt; just like the original one! And as it SHOULD be), deleted the original (English) subs file from the archive and replaced it with the Polish one; zipped the two files together (no "archive within an archive"/double layered nonsense this time! Just chose the two files and clicked Compress (or whatever this command is in English Windows OS; mine is obviously PL). Then created a new project, uploaded the ZIP… and well… the video works, but WHERE ON EARTH are my subtitles??? They don’t display! Also, for now the project is just on my PERSONAL Itch profile. Have not submitted it to LOCJam yet. It already has public status though. Does that mean I must dive into the index file and change "srclang" variable from "en" to "pl"?? (And make a NEW zip…)And here I hoped there would be no problems…😭
Well, I don't know if I did it CORRECTLY... but here comes the link: At this point I just want it to LAUNCH! And I'll be happy :D
I’m utterly confused! I opened the main folder of the kit, selected all the files (including my translations and the 2 folders - EVERYTHING that was to select) and hit "send to compressed file" and STILL run into a black window after uploading that! My Lua files are okay (I was copying from them earlier to that testing tool and they worked) and the folder I did not even touch! Weirdly enough. when I click on the files to compress them, the resulting zip folder has the same name as the first file I selected. (Just with a zip extension). But I am leaving the name unchanged. Maybe that’s a mistake?
I’m sorry… choose the top folder…? So just click on the whole thing and select "Send to compressed file (.zip)? Or it cannot be done right off the bat and third-party solution is absolutely necessary? I apologize for my stupidity, but I just don’t do that often, as you can clearly see 🤣 Also that "extra tier of folders" is only added if i try to RENAME the zip (for my convenience)
But i noticed something weird in file structure! When opening the original lockit (clicking on its unzipped form), it immediately goes to show the contents (files and of the kit. But when I tried to unzip MY zip file after zipping it, it went like this: not-enough-time-LocJam-1.02-pl —> not-enough-time-LocJam-1.02 —> and THEN the files and source zip! It’s as if there was an additional layer/tier added to the folder. I don’t know how to explain it… probably not making much sense… but maybe that breaks everything!
Okay, one step closer! I managed to unzip lockit correctly (it DID ask for a password this time) and everything seemed in order… all files were in place… I replaced two .lua files with mine, edited their names to be correct (even checked them with Visual Studio Code AFTER i copied them… the structure seemed okay). Then re-zipped, uploaded to Itch… aaand black screen. And a browser console threw a TON of errors at me! (I’ll attach the photos). Also, at the moment my project is set to draft. Didn’t want to embarrass myself. But if I am supposed to get any help, I should make it public, right? 😅 I’ll do that in a sec.
This is VERY WEIRD… I downloaded the 1. 02 ver. of the kit without any problems. When I tried to extract its contents, I FAILED (the problematic file being game.js), but then SOMEHOW managed to get inside the ZIPPED FILE by double-clicking on it (?) (it is still considered ZIPPED, mind you). Then I succeeded in copying my 2 .lua files into it(HOW??? If it was ZIPPED!!)but I cannot change their NAMES!(remove the pl-PL language code that OmegaT- a CAT tool I used - attached to them. A fact I um… missed somehow.) Jeez… was that game title a premonition or what? 😅 Because I may not, indeed, have enough time! Jokes aside, I am thoroughly embarrassed. What a fail!😭😥
So um… aren’t there two dashes (a comment-out, "- -" missing from one line of the text_translated file?(In the introductory section) I possibly did not make myself clear enough, so I add a screenshot of these instructions for reference. I have doubts about the RED TEXT line. (The others, commented out properly with - -, are BROWN. But maybe it’s nothing major😊 just something insignificant perhaps?
Maybe it means something along the lines of „ It says so in the description!“ (that pops up when interacting with THE BAND. THAT is a hotspot label in question… i think. Except it does not mention that they are a BAND, just that they are MUSICIANS (?) And now I also realize that I mistranslated it due to misunderstood context. Need to correct that. Oops.
O nieeee! Wybaczcie, że dopiero teraz się odzywam, ale przez pewien czas nie zaglądałam tu na forum… a ponadto chciałam nieco „odczekać“, czy aby nie będzie nas WIĘCEJ! (bo gdyby zrobiło się nas „za dużo“, to musielibyśmy się, że tak powiem, rozbić na KILKA grup, nie?)Ale chyba się nie zanosi… jest nas więc tròjka. Oczywiście chciałabym współpracować, i JESZCZE RAZ PRZEPRASZAM za mój brak odzewu… tylko w takim razie… kto jest kim w naszej grupie (z tych trzech ról, które wspomniałam w moim drugim wpisie na tym wątku)…? A co do wpisu Rosyfawn: w sumie masz rację z chęcią bycia i tłumaczem, i korektorem naraz… przerzucanie się plikami od jednej osoby do drugiej (zwłaszcza że i tak mamy na wykonanie zadania… 4 dni (?) byłoby stratą czasu!) Czyli jak by to wyglądało…? Rosyfawn-tłumacz i korektor, a ja i k-nope…dwójka testerów (w końcu podobno co dwie głowy, to nie jedna…)? 😅 Czy jakoś inaczej się ustawiamy? (Nie chcę się tu rządzić, to tylko sugestia!)
Okej! Tylko jak to podzielić… wydaje mi się, że optymalnie byłoby, gdyby nasza grupa posiadała TRZECH członków (1 tłumacz, 1 korektor- bo tłumaczowi może coś umknąć ;) i jeszcze jedna osoba, która przetestowałaby przetłumaczoną grę) ale zobaczymy, kto(w sensie ile osób) jeszcze do nas dołączy :) No i oczywiście musimy naszą grupę NAZWAĆ! Bez tego ani rusz ;)
Hi! The deadline for the project upload has passed and we are now in the voting phase… but I have a certain problem. It may seem insignificant, nothing game-breaking or anything… but there is a discrepancy in my game. The button used to go up is…well, letter U. (Aside from some longer commands).And this is how I marked it in instructions… but NOT in the default response to GetOut command.(Where all the directional symbols are listed in brackets)For some reason there I made a mistake and used the letter G! Well, that’s a discrepancy. And a technical error/weird situation, because if you press G…it will do nothing(It’s not supposed to anyway; I did not program it in)! It’s supposed to be U key. I would very much like to correct my mistake(I already did in the file)… but for that, I would need to replace the current file with…version 1.01, so to speak, on the submission page. Are we allowed to do that, or too late now?
TLDR: I made a typo and want to correct it, but for that I need to re-upload/replace the game zip. And it’s past the deadline. Can I do that? Natalia Ryś
Ugh… I am sorry that I’m doubting myself literally every step of the way, but…to those who already uploaded their projects: did you update folder name(after zipping it) to [your localized game name].zip, or left it as it was by default? Because somehow it makes sense to me to put the LOCALIZED game title in the folder name. Because this is what it became now! Also, if I did that(I think) would pull the folder name and put it as the project name, right? I hope my question makes sense-Natalia
I have a few questions about how to upload our finished project:
1. The description said we’re supposed to zip the finalized folder ‘as-is’ so… en-GB and it-IT versions of the i18n.js file are supposed to stay in it?(even though they serve no purpose…but they don’t break anything either, so…that’s not really an issue whatsoever-just a small detail😕)
2. Just to make sure: the re-zipped folder is supposed to have the same name as when we received it(AnC-Multilanguage….I don’t remember exactly) or should we add a target language code (PL-pl in my case) at the end of it, so that Itch auto-detects the language when we upload the folder? Or maybe there is no such functionality and we are to set the language manually anyways).
I know I was asking about lots of things throughout this Jam, but if everything goes right, this is hopefully my LAST question🙂 Natalia
Okay, this is going to sound super weird, but a game needs to be tested THOROUGHLY, right? So I noticed in the code an idle message “Press a key to continue(btw, it is not just Enter key. I managed to proceed with the game by pressing Spacebar, and even CLICKING a mouse button.) But how long do I need to stay idle until it pops up? Natalia Ryś
Hi! So…I was wondering about how I could rework the labirynth riddle so that it is more…well, Polish :) and I came up with an idea which THEORETICALLY is brillant! I decided to change ‘senno’ to Polish word for ‘sense’(which is just ONE LETTER OFF: ‘sens’-I mean like in ‘making sense’ not like one of the five SENSES)and then, because we need that fifth direction, conjugate it! Basically the direction combination would be South-East-North-South-Up.(and yes, I am using English/internationally accepted symbols for the directions, because TWO of the directions in Polish-north and south-start with a ‘P’-północ/południe. So I would need to pull off shortenings like PLN and PLD…which would be TOTALLY impractical for the riddle!) Buuuut…that requires changing the coordinates/labirynth behavior, right? Could I please ask for some advice on how that could be done? And another pronlem: would the ‘Up’ command/coordinate be even VALID/feasible in that labirynth? Or is it only possible to move on a horizontal plane (am I making sense? Haha😂)there? Thanks in advance for help, Natalia
Hi! The error was “unterminated group” except I fixed it. It was about a missing closing bracket after a conjunction. What weirds me out is that the game pulls the grammar for plane escape not from the ’jump’ string but from ‘getOut’…? But my programming skills are not very good: I am just a translator. And this is why I would appreciate help. You said I could send you my l18n file/code. Sure…but how? Via email or upload it to my Itch profile? (I have a sense of deja vu… another translator had a very similar issue recently! 😂) Best regards, Natalia
Thank you all for your answers :) but I’ve already moved on to testing the game…except I got stuck on the first hurdle!(Which ’killed’ me… at least I know the game over message works 😇 actually, all the UI elements seem to work FLAWLESSLY. It is the parser that is acting up; or rather I MESSED it up) I cannot take the parachute! When I type “take parachute”(well, the Polish equivalent of that, which is also 2 words), the game crashes. But i think I know what’s going on. The pattern for “take” in my game is JUST THE VERB. Maybe the rule should be ’(take)(.+)’ or something along these lines - that way the verb could be followed by nouns. Because now the game does not recognize the command.😕
Hi! When I was taking one last glance at my translation file, i noticed that some lines are literal “spaghetti noodles” (ironic, since the game is Italian!): they just keep stretching. You need to literally scroll the code editor screen(horizontally). I thought: “Oh no! No way something THAT long will fit on the screen in one go(I fear it would “leak” out, rendering part of the message invisible to the player)Need to cut it up”. And so, I put some \n tags inbetween sentences of such long passages.
1. Did I do the right thing, or it would fit on the screen normally(despite at first glance being as long as a Loch Ness monster :) )
2. About that \n tag: please remind me…is it JUST \n, or do we need to ESCAPE it(\\n)?
Natalia Ryś
Hello again! I apologize for asking about stuff so frequently, but this LocJAM is my first, and as such, I have some doubts(and besides, I’d rather ask too many questions than break something!) So! In my translation of the game, I worked on the i18n.js file-as intended. But I did it via a CAT tool. And after I was done, the CAT tool attached a target language code to the name of my Polish file!(as they normally do)Basically, the name of my localized file is: i18n_pol.js. And that _pol suffix is the issue-with that attached it’s the wrong file name! It is not going to work with that bit. But what do you think is the best course of action:
1. Get rid of that _pol bit in my translation file name—>the system is going to complain(well, WARN me)about there being TWO i18n.js files in the folder and whether I wish to overwrite one with the other—>allow the overwrite
2.OR: FIRST remove the English/original i18n.js file (but is that even something we can do? It is essentially meddling with the file structure in the folder) THEN rename my i18n_pol.js to i18n.js and it SHOULD work(also, it would do so WITHOUT raising any “file conflict“ alarms-seems less confusing)?
Again, I apologize for my indecisiveness and an awkward issue(or if I basically REPEATED myself with these two methods)…but like I said: I’d rather risk a weird question than ruin my weeks worth of work! Natalia Ryś