I do not see full rules as part of this download. In the calendar it says that I can also find full rules on the website? But I cant. Can someone provide full rules to the Leaf Riders calendar?
Print & Play for a year of woodland RPG adventure in a desktop calendar. · By
At the top of the downloads page (the page where I found this question) there is a <—Game page link.
On that page there is a thing that says More At SundialGames.com under a picture of the characters at a campfire. There are a bunch of links under the headline and the bottom of the list is the Rules link. I MIGHT have included the link here.
The game rules for the characters at the campfire appears to be for a smaller game. Almost like an intro game?
I DID however stumble across a set of full rules via the character screen in the app.
Character Screen (once you created one in the app)
Screen after tapping the "options" button
Here is the link that it provides. https://www.sundialgames.com/_files/ugd/9d9f18_9c5f50baa3414d18821cdd944aa0a9cb.pdf
Unfortunately it is for the 2023 game, which can be directly accessed via the SundialGames website under the 2023 calendar tab. One would guess that perhaps they've not yet updated the links, but hopefully will soon! Other than this issue, everything seems quite cool regarding the calendar and associated components.
heres the full rules for this years calendar:
and rules for character creation:
i wish they would make these easier to find