We’ve implemented some minor changes to our browse pages for multiplayer games. We want to make it easier for you to find multiplayer games when you know the number of players you have. When filtering on a tag that suggests multiplayer (e.g. local-multiplayer, or multiplayer), you will notice the following adjustments to your browsing experience:
In the sidebar, you can now filter projects based on the specific number of players supported:
Each game displayed will show the suggested player count range as provided by the developer:
Note that due to a bug with how our system asked for the player count, there are likely many multiplayer games that are currently missing player count information. Please allow some time to elapse for developers to update their pages accordingly.
For developers:
- You can now set the minimum and maximum player counts on your ‘Metadata > Classification’ page, regardless of other classifications set. Previously, this was only visible for ‘local multiplayer’ games, which was likely due to a bug.
- If you have classified your game as multiplayer via the Multiplayer classification or by using multiplayer tags such as multiplayer, local-multiplayer, etc. you will be prompted to add player counts on your dashboard above the project’s row.