I don't usually comment, but out of respect for your first game; I have some things to say.
1. I think that sex scenes are too short and underdeveloped. This is because compared to other works, current sex scenes don't really aroused me. There is also the fact that I do not get romantically attached to any of female characters yet. This is because there are no events that explore their backgrounds and make us interested in them. Lastly, are there relationship points/routes in this game? This is because unless there are reasons to meet and fuck female characters, there are no good reason to meet them over earning money, hiring more soldiers, or improve public relations currently.
2. I also wonder what is the appeal of prisoners in this game because it seems so limited like getting the prisoners to work. I know that I can earn more money, respect, or charisma at great cost of respect, charisma, and food respectively, but I haven't yet encountered an event that make me consider getting the prisoners to work. There is also the fact that watching, touching, or fucking prisoners in the dungeon cost 2 energy one time only for no apparent change. It would been interesting if I can "convince" my female prisoners into joining my side by either watching, touching, or fucking prisoners. I also think that there is a counting error as female prisoners don't increase from 2 to 4 after the orc war in the book.
3. I also think that the main character has been using hourglass to go back in time to fix mistake too often without much consequences so far. That is why I think that this should be limited or implement consequences from now on in future update.