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[For Hire] [Godot Programmer]

A topic by bonsaipropaganda created Jan 09, 2024 Views: 235 Replies: 5
Viewing posts 1 to 4

Hello! I've dedicated over 500 hours to learning programming and game development in the past 1.5 years, and I've become sufficiently comfortable in python as well as Godot/Gdscript. I'd love to work on some commercial projects, and I'm open to revshare opportunities if the project looks promising and if the project has a realistic release date. Thanks in advance, and of course if you want to see some of the things I've worked on you can check them out here:

and here:


Hi! Do you have discord?

Thanks for the reply! My discord is bonsaipropaganda.


Do you have a Discord?

Thanks for the reply! My discord is bonsaipropaganda. 

Howdy,my name is Martin ,i'm also a godot  developper and a passionate of  programming and i'm willing to make a great Horror game with my team ,there's my discord server :