Hi, so first off, I really like Easy Feedback Form. As the name suggests it's easy to set up and easy to use.
However, I might have found a possible memory leak you might want to take a look at. Maybe you're already aware of it or I'm using the asset wrong, but I had an issue with it causing a memory leak in my unity game. The class DebugLogCollector registers a functions:
Application.logMessageReceived += HandleLog;
but it never removes the listener. So if you load a new scene, the DebugLogCollector shell still remains, despite its native object being already destroyed. This itself is not a big a deal but it has a reference to the FeedbackForm-Class and any functions registered with the events OnFeedbackSubmitted, OnFeedbackFormClosed, etc., and their classes will also remain in memory due to that. I had a manager class with a function registered to the event "OnFormSubmitted" and it had references to nearly everything in the scene. After a scene change most of it still remained in the memory, causing my game to take an additional 50mb on every reload of the scene.
I managed to resolve my issues by simply unregistering when the DebugLogCollector gets destroyed.
I hope this was helpful.