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Lunar Crisis

NSFW adventure/exploration... in space. · By Vosmug

Who is your "Official Best Girl"? (Full Spoilers)

A topic by MissY created Jan 23, 2024 Views: 1,943 Replies: 11
Viewing posts 1 to 9

Exactly what it says in the title! I'm curious to know what the overall consensus is for the community's favorite girl in Lunar Crisis. I remember on Vosmug's blog when the demo version was still fresh, it's a discussion that came up pretty often in the comments; usually falling between either Geminis or Sai, if I recall correctly.

So, now that the game is out and you've seen all there is to see... Who do you think is the best girl in the game? What is it that puts her above the other girls for you? And as a secondary aspect to that question so that there's a little more substance to talk about rather than just making this a straight-up poll... Were you satisfied with the amount (or type) of scenes that she was given? Or were there any moments that you didn't like with her?

Who knows? Maybe some of this might be useful feedback for future games.

For me, the answer has to be Geminis without any hesitation. From the very moment that the character designs were first revealed, I was almost certain that she would be my personal favorite, just like with Norea in Ghost Hunter Vena and Captain Ran in Xenotake. The full game only confirmed that with her portrayal. I found myself immediately vibing with how serious and confident she was in every scene, bordering on outright smugness. It made her feel like the ~perfect~ rival for a game where you are playing as the villain.

But as I've said in multiple places, from my review of the game to mentioning it on the Discord, I feel like she didn't get as much content as I'd hoped for how important she is to the story. Looking back, I'm pretty sure that she was harmlessly restrained by the protagonist's bug minion more times than she actually had sex in the whole game... and the fact that her very first sex scene after building up so much suspense for 2 or 3 hours of her escaping over and over again was a futa-focused scene with Sai really deflated a lot of the story's tension for me. To be clear, I don't personally like futa all that much, but also don't hate it to the point where I get upset at its inclusion. The real issue for me is that it felt so unrelated to anything else that was happening in the story and didn't have nearly the same amount of foreshadowing as the whole throughline of Geminis really hating aliens and being openly proud of the fact that she considers herself so untouchable to them compared to other less competent women.

That, and I don't think I would have been quite so irked by that futa scene with Sai nearly as much if there had been more scenes of Geminis with aliens in the later parts of the game to balance it out. It just feels like such a strange decision to me that there are exactly as many futa scenes in the game (Sai/Renya in the shower, Sai/Geminis in the reactor room) as there are scenes of Geminis with any aliens (her being captured after the final boss encounter, and the Captive/Escape endings) unless you reeeeaaaally stretch it to also include the mild tentacle action during her boss fight.


yeah Geminis is good though Sallika is a close second.


I like all of them, they're my daughters, don't lewd my daughters.......



Sai is best girl though.


You are the last person that should say that lol


I think it's a meme referencing that time when aBioshock Infinite game dev said that lewding Elizabeth is like lewding his daughter and that the internet please shouldn't do it.


Definitely the guards at the lounge...

Sometimes the npcs need some love



I agree with your points regarding Geminis. In general this game was pretty light on sex scenes. Probably the reason why Sal is my favourite is because she saw the most action. 


Im voting the guards at the lounge, love those female soldiers

Favorite was definitely Sai, she was by far the most competent of the cast. She seemed to be the best both at technical and combat skills. Also I liked her outfit the most, something about the more revealing outfits actually makes them less sexy than Sai's.

I do wish Sai had some scenes with the big alien dudes though while she was captured, at least  I didn't get any with her in my run.


Geminis was definitely the one I was hoping the most to see fall into lewd situations. 
Favorite scene was when she was stuck with Sai in the reactor room. Even with hands tied behind her back and one tit being sucked, our tough and proud captain is still elaborating plans to escape. If the gods of this game are listening, please make an extension of that scene where our little controllable alien enters the room again through the vent and jumps on Sai to prevent her from heating the air, allowing the tit sucking aliens to find all the boobies in the room, and other weak spots too while they are at it. This game is awesome but I miss the amount of love boobies were getting in Xenotake.


For me it's between Geminis and Sai, partly because I love glasses and the whole 'smart girl / tech girl' trope. It also doesn't hurt that Sai had the most character depth.

But actually it's clearly Geminis because she's not just super hot but oof that stuck up prideful attitude is soooo my thing. I think Geminis made me more gay than I already was lmao...

Also, while it's understandable people have complained about Geminis not getting enough 'action,' for me it's perfectly fine because she got restrained more than anyone else and that's more than enough for me! The alien parasite thing pinning her hands behind her while sucking her boob is hotter than any scene imo!

The only thing I don't like about the girls is that none of them really seem to get embarrassed even when half naked or in very compromising circumstances. I feel like they should at least try to cover their chests when talking to each other, lol.