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FolderSprite is the easy solution when you have a sprite with a wide range of images. · By Dr. Aida


A topic by ty created Jan 23, 2024 Views: 96 Replies: 2
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Thank you for creating a great code! It has helped me to organise the code for my project.

One question: is it possible to add a transform animation to an image and add it to the FolderSprite? Is this code a mechanism that can only handle images that actually exist in the folder?


Unfortunately, it's not possible to add another image that isn't in the sprite's "root folder". What you can do is add a transform property to a particular image. If you pass a parameter "a_a1_at = 0_a_a1" you will only be adding the transform property to the "a1" image in the "a" group of your sprite.

I'll prepare a future update with more features for FolderSprite and this is certainly one I'll keep in mind.

Thanks for the reply!

O.K. I understand! My main sprite uses a method of generating images that are not in the root folder to create the eye blink animation. I’m not going to use it for my main sprite this time, but I’ll use the folder sprite to shorten the code for the other sprites.

Your code instructions on github were very thorough and easy to understand! Looking forward to your updates!