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My thoughts / etc.

A topic by Sarun created Jan 25, 2024 Views: 271
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What I think I see:

Right from the start both a feeling of underappreciation and over exaggeration (the character's thoughts).  Followed by a feeling of overreliance on technology for even simple pleasures or simple activities, while a lack of proper communication to be able to figure out what selfless thing to do that would best give the other real joy.  At he start here they feel here together in the moment, but it fees like they do not fully understand each other.  Still the story has just begun so this thought may not hold.

For life to operate without a hitch, we would need to be all regarded as mindless machines.  A family unit is something normal, a mere sub construct of larger whole, ad a complex machine, nay even an AI is no different, for there is grander and simple AIs, no different than complex and simple organisms.  Unity and unwavering loyalty are two different things,  and so too is how the way in which both can be approached, though open honesty or through fear and aggression.  Building trust in an established system is the key to keeping the system from faltering, but throw a wrench in something operating smoothly and it could grind to a halt or even implode...

Crime and Crime Prevention, this first question/statement here I can agree with, one person does not get o dictate the actions of the whole.  At the same time though their concerns can't be completely ignored either.  Once friction is made, there must be a way to settle it without giving too much power to any involved.  This very concept is something I often struggle and debate myself on.  How does the question and answer shift though when the issue is no longer perceived as a one on one issue, but he feelings turn towards an entire group?  and then still if it spreads further from not being held in check and amended?  This is though where you gets crimes that arise from those who have fallen through the cracks in the system, discarded, forgotten, or ignored.  Their pleas turn towards anger, sometimes without a proper target...

To me it is not enough to simply have a question and an answer, but to go beyond.  How does the answer change when you change how the question is worded?  How does the question changed based on the answer given?  If you can adapt your thinking before an incident occurs, you can also adapt how to solve it too.  A true open mind is one free enough to acknowledge even that which would be deemed improbable.  This includes the ability to think and feel as another does, for in knowing them, means knowing how to deal with them.

Struggle is indeed a constant, but he key to happiness is to minimize it, and keep struggles to simple and natural things, without it ever escalating to some form of violence or warfare.  Justice in this sense would be the de-escalation of issues, but also putting them on case by case basis to rest, by addressing the thoughts, feelings, and concerns of those involved, and having them exchange their views.  Only by understanding each other can we help to minimize conflict, jealousy, and judgmen.  It all about using our words, and following it up with our actions, to build that trust and belief that we are not the monsters we may see each other as.  Come together, not drive apart.

To make sure I am thinking of this properly, it would be immoral to call a rock stupid, for it does not posses any form of though to begin with?  Makes sense to me if that is so!  For you do not know how the rock itself feels or doesn't feel.  That is part why I phrase things as my thought, opinion, or belief, and not fact, even if I may be convinced in something being fact.  It implies there is room for doubt or that there is something to the subject I may be missing.  It is never too late learn new things, but a lot of what I see missing for real is lack of the ability to think abstractly and look at the bigger picture, requiring oneself to consider themselves an individual not part of anything first to reach such a level of thinking.  I myself have always seen myself as a puzzle piece that could be placed anywhere, yet never fit how it is supposed to.

A construct can only have moral attributes when the vast majority can agree on them.  It does not mean that the dissenters or outliers stand to be treated as outcast though, for there is a difference between subtle changes to logic and complete opposition.  Even then this could be only corns in one respective view.  The key to stopping spread is to treat this difference with understanding, for even in disagreement can we still get along.  Hostility only ever puts up a wall, and when there is a wall, one goes around it if they cannot go through it.

Respect, Responsibility, Kindness, these are the values I see to a healthy society, both of individual and interpersonal, from those up high to those down low, value each other equally regardless of station, as if to render them non existent differences.  Give and give back.  Walker seem to have walked out on one of them... oh dear...

(This is an issue that can be corrected at any other point in time, but right now all the sprites are still, if not for the detailed descriptions written it would be hard to know just how they are feeling or expressing themselves, but with writing quality I find it hard to honestly / properly complain)

A gang huh? With that name? at such a place? all quite apt references

Negativity and stress are a direct or indirect result of neglect of the aforementioned three values.  They do though go beyond the individual, for they can all be considered a chain or domino effect, as the burden gets thrust upon one tot he next...  for when something you take for granted is taken away form you, the very floor has been removed from your feet... a feeling I have felt myself many times, a mix of my own fault, and from so many others out there, a mix of their own fault... clarity and true appreciation sometimes only come from hitting rock bottom, and I've lost track of how many times I have alone, even if only emotionally.  The fact that I care and give a damn to be concerned is what drags me down time and again, but even as I lose myself, I must find myself, and that is why no matter how low I sink myself, I rise to surface, as in tandem with wanting to kill myself, I can't do it, as in wanting to greatly harm others, I can't do it, my core holds me back, knowing there must be a better way, for if I continue to exist there must be reason to exist.  I cannot either let others exist in vain, and that is why it pains me to see them waste their efforts in trying to force change on others, change has been made many times without the need for force to be involved.

Walker may very well embody my hopes, dreams, and aspirations not realized, crushed under waves of "me firsts", and so too may his faults.  My furname is Saru/Sarun, purely by accident, the intent of combining two gemstones, fire and water/ice, little did I know those are actual words/names, monkey / god , for I am very playful, but also very serious.  To me if we cannot address the issues that drag us down, no one will ever truly able to be happy, so long as it remains a contest of wills in direct opposition.  My desire is tone down extremes by working with what we have already to form learning, information, and understanding of that which is unknown to us.  Make the unknown know and it will no longer be so scary.  I am no god however, but the very meanings of the name Sarun area surprise to me for they are the very ideals I have always sought.  I do not seek my happiness, not without seeking the happiness of others.  I wish to prop myself up slowly, and not step on others to get to the top, I value the immaterial over the material, selflessness over selfishness.  In all cases I am but one alone, and alone one cannot take on the world.  That is why my sona too despite have such powers, is also given faults, most notably of being on the inside no different than any other, and a world populated by threats scaled to match that power.  Everything must be in balance lest he scales tip over, such is the responsibility of having power.

Lack of clarity and resentment from higher ups for not following their line of thinking?  Sowing discord in their own ranks when they are supposed to be the ones to promote order?  If this is what is going on, this is the tip of the iceberg to shatter the whole berg itself!  Lack of any of the three aforementioned values in either way, can cause the lack to grow, and course domino effect, unless one is to halt the next tile from falling.  It works both ways, and to erode one end is to erode the other.  We aren't perfect, but there is a reason we should sperate personal and professional feelings.

The key to avoiding detection is to hide in plain sight, but also to avoid measures other than sight.  When an anomaly is detected, that is when it is investigated.

When on professional duty, do not let the emotions of anyone not directly, there, involved cloud your judgment, and so aside from that take everything seriously to job description.  Seeking to impress hardly works when it is done intentionally, impression comes form actions not intended for seeking approval.  If one member performs poorly, so too shall his team suffer...  partners is term of two or more being considered one, so you rise or fall because of each other.  Back to blue, again thoughts in mission are being to preoccupied by thoughts of things outside of mission, lack of clarity impacts performance, something already in no good state of mind for, heightening the further spike downwards.  Situations could be quantified as having exact values, while emotions can quantified as being multipliers, but with each category can be given both positive and negative values, as the right situation or mood, could easily flip things on their head.  And once again manipulating emotions and actions through forethought and withholding of information,  you can't play chess without getting your pieces knocked off the board...

Tech like that... designed to simply disarm and immobilize, rather than use brute lethal force... this is what law enforcement should be about, not law executioners.  Still depending on the circumstances, the switch from non lethal and lethal could be necessary.  You work with the information you are provided.  If the respective information of the two sides does not match up, that is where the true crimes begin, because neither is on the same page and both are jumping to sperate, even if related conclusions, all born of a lack of understanding on both ends.  Forcefield/energy barrier?  My sona at best can use a wind barrier (heavily concentrated/constrictive airflow), quick to regenerate with mental focus, but rapid AND strong impacts are needed to break through, among modern implements, a sniper or LMG would be needed, but also must be able to land a hit.  Correlation to real life is that is unless you can beat the opposition senseless, they will come back form it, but only so long as they remain your enemy, will they come back in new ways against you.  A spat, a skirmish, a war, all the same thing but at differing magnitudes.

Yes... it is very important to know when you need to control your emotions... lack of it leads to chaotic outbursts, and since mental focus and control is the pillar to proper usage for even my sona, one misstep (if was in Walker's place) could yield at worst the entire building being disintegrated, but not living matter directly, since again no god, however interesting results would be a drastic improvement to external hygiene of all within the building, from removal of dead matter!  (The bonds that made it leaving are weakened so their breakdown is then pushed to the finish).

Oh for the love of... this why we need to have candid conversations more..., and stop hiding things...

Interesting and indeed how you phrase or term something changes how it feels as well as show how you feel about the given subject.  Ah.. the conflict of a unknown in the middle of an established system, both have (separate) reasons to fear each other, because neither knows how the other will treat them... this is why education and understanding are important, to hear each other out.  Is it Archer's fault really though? Or is it something neither party is seeing or is aware of?  One system does nor fit all, but even a system can learn to adapt to both ways of old and new, for each of its members.  When promises are made, they must be followed by equal actions, those actions must be witnessed first hand in order to wipe away all doubt and fear.  It also requires though to listen to the needs, not wants, not demands, of the people.  What is something they all hold in equal value and regard, that can't be challenged for it is something they need too?

It is interesting how words and intentions can be misconstrued and manipulated.  This why I always wish to seek the source, for telephone (yes a word of mouth game) proves unreliable.  Interesting also how one can meddle in the affairs of another to both break things and / or repair them.

Respect, Responsibility, and Kindness, the key points, which give rise to Trust and Generosity.  Once again a display of how they are employed and used by Red and with him.  Dissolve the notions of status and of labels, by employing the one label that fits all, we all living beings, and the only to continue to live is to help each other live.  Remove the notions of predator and prey, and instead join hands.

There is something to be said about dying for a cause you believe in, but you need to know exactly why you are fighting!  However to commit suicide, even in the name of said cause, stands to stifle the flow of information that could grind the conflict(s) to a halt.  Suicide, no matter the reasons, always amounts to act of cowardice and selfness, and shuns oneself from themselves.  Perhaps this is why I could never do it, because to end my struggles, is to end my efforts to end anyone else's struggles.

When in any form of dystopia, always be mindful that peaceful moments can be interrupted at anytime!  No matter whose side you are on, innocent or guilty, once again the floor can be ripped out from under you, for no reason at all even.  In the end though when it comes to making snap decisions, instinct overrides all logic, and the actions may therefore be irrational.  Such too is the feelings of one who cornered, and so too leads to mindless outbursts devoid of thought or care for oneself.

Treating negativity with further negativity helps no one....... , instead of judgement, ask questions to open things up!!!

It indeed is important having a stable society, but justice can many forms and definitions form one individual to the next.  This makes justice therefore way too subjective and meaningless when it cannot have a universal agreement.  You need an abstract concept that has more ridged interpretations, with little variance in how they can be perceived.  Hrm... when you make plans, but circumstances change, the best thing sometimes is change the plans to fit the circumstances.  Make the best of the situation(s).  Wish I could put it into practice sigh

Suspicious activity is much easier to notice the more often and more concentrated it happens.  By keeping it interspersed, infrequent, and scattered, the pattern becomes unrecognizable.  When I think it from the stand point of a machine the threat isn't even a blip.  It is because of that very reason, when you flip it around, that you have so many people falling through the cracks of the systems too.  Once there is too much concentrated in one area of some kind of malice, it with explodes and erupts, because too many have been neglected for too long, for no one notices the signs.   Abuse of power leads to rebellion and rebellion leads to abuse of power.  When two opposing sides of equal extremes overpower each other, anarchy and complete chaos.  All because the ones caught in the middle are the one who get hurt the most...  Once again prevention is key, and eliminate favoritism is to only aid in needs, not wants to desires, do not blindly give out handouts, only give them what hey need to live in order to accomplish those wants and desires on their own.  If you want something you have to earn it, it will not just be given to you.  In turn though the three values I mention apply, when you have overabundance, do not hoard it, and in turn you gain trust of those in need, because now they have hope to do their work for their own future.  Give them opportunities to earn privileges, spoil them in little bits if desired, but on occasion only, and don't flaunt wealth, but don't withhold it either.  From these three values everything follows.  A cycle without large miseries is a cycle to be proud of.  Give and give back.

Having guns is one thing, using them is another, have ammo is yet another, the kind of gun is another, its intent or use is another.  There must be a balance between freedom and regulation.  To much freedom and people will kill each other left and right in their own form of "Justice" completely removed from what could be considered justice.  To much regulation and you start to have smuggling operations, also resulting in people so called "Justice".  In the end if a gun is not in an area designated for its use or purpose for its design, then there should be a way to automatically have it be disabled and unusable (think something like laser tag).  Sadly this is where technology comes into play, but the weapons restriction programs must have a local system (like a watches), that is only activated or adjusted from a joint database server (government owned / regulated), this dual system can be used to limit the guns duration of function for a given period as to eliminate misuse, while still giving freedom to allow it to be used.  A system that has both a solid foundation and flexibility.  By a coordination between the individual and the whole a form of unity linked to those two can be achieved, so long as nether is mindless and both are aware, of the rights, rules, and responsibilities they are charged with.

Very interesting, but it does not condone the random usage of such a firearm, when not used in an designated area, ANYTHING can happen once the shot is fired!

That is what I hate the most, is being played around with when dealing with a serious situation, when the situation is serious I have no time time for games, I only have time for facts and cutting to the heart of the matter, find the root, solve the problems from their source.  You can't just paint a date like emotions are a machine algorithm! Gah!  This is why sometimes I think of myself as close to a robot as human can be, I think concrete, but I never deny my emotions, and nothing is ever set in stone until it DOES happen!       OOOHH that where he been hiding!  I should have known >/../>

Hrm... this a lot and this is only CASE 01! Hitting the ground running, with a lot to stop and sniff, to think and ponder.  My thoughts may not be quite right or match up with your own, but I am often never far.  Being able to give and receive life lessons is also something I value a lot, something that for the "U"SA since to to be lacking more and more as the years go by.  The division of the country as you mentioned is a possibility that may still come to be.  The major question though becomes how many slices, and what are their sizes and shapes?  Worst case is up to nine divisions, and at minimum three, I feel.