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There is no excuse for this level of quality!

A topic by BerryArray created Jan 30, 2024 Views: 955 Replies: 1
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I am outraged.

Picture this: I find myself but at the beginning of the game, and am already taken aback regarding the fact that this game was made in just a week.

Charm from every angle, from the art, to the writing, the music, and the idea of 3D Celeste gameplay executed really well. ( some fan-games have tried but the dash was always a troublesome mechanic to bring to 3D )
And on top of all that it seems canon...

Does your so-called "Celeste Team" have a proper license for making such incredible games?

Jokes aside, the game so far is great, and the need to post this was great as well.


Yeah, it's almost scary how amazing this game is with such a tiny dev cycle. (I want whatever potions EXOK is chugging)