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some questions.

A topic by darksand123 created Jan 31, 2024 Views: 244 Replies: 4
Viewing posts 1 to 2

hi. i want to buy this. i have some questions.

1. are both the pc as well as the ios version fully blind accessible?

2. i i buy on pc, do i need to buy it on ios also?

3. does the ios version have any typing/writing involved?

thanks in advance for answering.


1. Yes, the PC version is the same as the iOS version so should be equally blind accessible.

2. Unfortunately there's no way to sell an iOS app from or for to know that you've bought it from the App Store, so yes you'd have to buy it again.

3. There's no required typing. You can optionally rename your spaceship and explorers, and that involves typing in a new name, but if you choose not to do this then there's no typing.

thanks for answering.

could you maybe add the ios ipa here then?

not sure if that'd work.


Sadly no, I'm pretty sure there's no way to sell an iOS app outside the app store. Apple are pretty strict about that.