This game was really fun, I love alternative simulation games.
Are you planning on developing the game further? If so, I have a some suggestions which I hope you'll consider for the future:
*Demand side response - so you can choose to spend some money to pay large energy users to reduce their usage temporarily. This would be a handy alternative way to get out of tight situations.
*Additional generator types - although level 3 has a good range of generator types, there's some important ones missing which would be great to have:
- Gas Turbine: Would be quick to start and cheap-ish to build, but the gas more expensive to buy than coal. Therefore the player would most likely use it for peaking, or when other generator types are tapped out.
- Nuclear: Would be very expensive to build and slow to start, but cheap to fuel and low ongoing costs.
- Geothermal: Expensive-ish to build, but consistent generation and low ongoing costs. Limited capacity due to being geography-dependant.
*Solar variation - Rather than being predictable every day, it would be good for solar to have some lower output days due to clouds etc.
*Hydro variation - could have droughts where hydro inflows stop for a while.
*Fuel cost variation - gas and coal prices could change randomly, encouraging the player to adapt their gameplay accordingly.
*Electricity interconnector - pay to build an interconnector to another jurisdiction with a certain amount of capacity, so the player can either pay to import electricity or sell excess.
Let me know what you think!