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Elixir Emporium - Looking for early feedback on short technical AI demo

A topic by Chroma Golem created Feb 09, 2024 Views: 119 Replies: 2
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Hey all!

We're a two-man dev team right now and put together a very short demo of an Alchemy-style game that's powered by text generation under the hood: random NPCs with random problems will show up, and you use your random items to craft new items for a solution to their problem. I've had a lot of fun playing it myself and it's still very early, but I wanted to get some very early feedback as well now that the core game loop works. 

Also, some of the NPC's problems are absolutely ridiculous, so I'd love to see some of the crazier ones you get (or, of course, any that don't make sense... oops!).

You can play Elixir Emporium at and I think it gives a good taste of what we're planning to build with the rest of it. I'd love to hear any feedback that you have! Thanks so much!

Hello! Stumbled across this and decided to try the game out. I think alchemy games are pretty cool and adding AI to it definitely makes it seem more interesting! Though I can't seem to combine the elements for some reason? (It's stuck on "Combining..." indefinitely and I cannot make anything else afterwards.) And no visitors are appearing either. I'm not sure if this is a problem being caused by the use of the AI itself, but I thought I'd point this out because I'd like to play the demo in its entirety :)

(1 edit)

Haha, thanks for trying to check it out! We actually blew through a ton of credits from having waaaay more people playing than we expected and the API requests to combine items and generate NPCs were both failing because of it, but everything is loaded up again and ready to go. I'll keep a better eye on it now! :D

If you want to give it another shot, all should be working now! Thanks again!