Is their any plans to have a status above slave in the future? Even in the original Strive for Power, you could at least rank up a character from a slave to a noble. It may be my unpopular opinion, but it feels like a staple to this series of games is being removed with just Master and all slaves, because now if say for example: I save and recruit Cali, instead of taking advantage of her at first meeting, there's no real difference in if she'd be there willingly or not if made a slave. Then their's the Marriage aspect, I thought that was a great addition along with having an Heir, my only issue with that was that the Heir symbol was that of a slave. I had thought that might have been changed over time but now, what's the point? If my wife is still a slave, my children would still be considered slaves, it seems a bit...depressing... Sorry, I don't mean to sound preachy, or like "You're not doing what I like, therefor it's bad", but status has been a main part of this series of game and it suddenly just being taken out seems counter to what was originally made and established.