I received this fkd up signal, and even after deleting it from drive, even if i literally destroy the drive, i am dying! Help please! What i need to do...
(in 0.6.3 version, i also get this signal, but after deleting it from drive, i survived)
Gather unknown signals from deep, silent space · By
dear mother of god there is so much s#it inside my pants, after receiving the signal for help i went ahead and got the coordinates and made my way to the garage just to be jumpscared by a STUPID CATAPAULT WITH AN ALIEN MANNIQUIN GETTING THROWN INTO MY FACE. my heart hurts. Good news is the event is over, bad news is I have to change my F#CKING PANTS
P:S Im not sure if its because i didn't destroy the disk but for your mental well-being, just destroy the disk