I appear to have corrupted my save game. I was going down the lone house's staircases (with the underground switch puzzle). Once I hit elevation -3 and tried to go down the next set of stairs, I hit the following error.
IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
at Vault.GetLevel (Int32 level, Boolean visited) [0x00001] in C:\Users\mritc\Documents\Axu\Axu\Assets\Scripts\Map\Vault.cs:19 at TileMap.Rebuild (Int32 mx, Int32 my, Int32 elevation, Boolean lightCheck) [0x00059] in C:\Users\mritc\Documents\Axu\Axu\Assets\Scripts\Map\TileMap.cs:283 at TileMap.RebuildTexture (Int32 mx, Int32 my, Int32 elevation, Boolean lightCheck) [0x0001b] in C:\Users\mritc\Documents\Axu\Axu\Assets\Scripts\Map\TileMap.cs:265 at TileMap.HardRebuild () [0x00015] in C:\Users\mritc\Documents\Axu\Axu\Assets\Scripts\Map\TileMap.cs:244 at TileMap.Init () [0x000b7] in C:\Users\mritc\Documents\Axu\Axu\Assets\Scripts\Map\TileMap.cs:100 at ObjectManager.CreateLocalMap () [0x0004b] in C:\Users\mritc\Documents\Axu\Axu\Assets\Scripts\Utilities\Managers\ObjectManager.cs:109 at ObjectManager+<Initialize>c__Iterator0.MoveNext () [0x000ba] in C:\Users\mritc\Documents\Axu\Axu\Assets\Scripts\Utilities\Managers\ObjectManager.cs:70 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
(Filename: C:/Users/mritc/Documents/Axu/Axu/Assets/Scripts/Map/Vault.cs Line: 19)
I was also unable to progress up the stairs. When I restarted the game and tried to load the save the same error popped up, and the game never finished loading.
I haven't seen a lone house, but this bug hasn't occurred in any other dungeon.