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I'm working towards a game called Dragon Stories that i've been wanting to make for a long time now.

A topic by GodwayGames created Mar 13, 2024 Views: 267 Replies: 4
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(1 edit)

I have been for a long time wanting to use this character and make a video game around him. 

I already have quite a bit of dialogue and some assets. there's more too.

it's meant to be a 3d game based gameboy advance style graphics. the world is small and contained but opened and story driven, you'll be able to have thorough conversations with all the worlds NPCs and build relationships with them. the premise is that once Alacampft makes a friend they're kidnapped and it's now you the players job to put Alacampft on the right path to rescue his friend.

I thought it'd be a good idea to share some of it:

    "We all know the story, a tale as old as time."
    "First there's the evil heinous beast who takes over the land causing chaos or whatever"
    "The good guy gets his mentor, defeats the bad guy and the story ends"
    "Oh you thought I was the little purple guy didn't you? Oh nonono! I'm the big idiot laying on the ground in defeat"
    "what if the bad guy got a second chance? what if he had a magical orb that let him undo everything"
    "Well that's EXACTLY what happened to me. this is my story, not the story of a hero. the story of the bad guy. this is the story of my rehab."
    scene cuts from cinematic to gameplay.
    you start out as Alacampft a large purplish black and green dragon walking down a rainbow pathway
    looking at the cave at the start
    "I'm back... I'm REALLY back... I can't screw it up this time; I only get ONE shot at this"
    "I mean it's not like I'll find another orb... "
    when he sees flowers    
    "Sunflowers, rainbows, sunshine and all the beautiful and bright colours!"
    a giant painted boulder blocking his path 
    "It's a really big rock that contains a mural!"
    "I wonder how I can smash it to bits."
    " is blocking my path afterall."
    if you try to jump while hes walking down the first level
    "I don't feel like it right now"
    "I'm to depressed to fly"
    "I may be smiling but it's just a coverup for my abject depression"
    "I don't want to"
    "I refuse"
    as youre about to leave the map of the first level.
    "Yknow maybe this isn't all so bad afterall..."
    "I'm getting a second chance right? that's worth something"
    "But now ... do I try to conquer the dragon kingdom again? or do I..."
    The first time he uses his breath powers
    "zippity zappity zam shblammy! I'm glad to have THIS one back. now I can pick on kids again without the threat of accidentally killing them."    
    "It's breezy, it's sneezy, it's wind. great for pushing other dragons around; LITERALLY!" 
    "Cold, just like my heart."
    "Magic of the night! I have to be extra careful with this one."
    "Fear and Frenzy! my two favorite words!"
    the first time 
    When he meets his first fairy:
    "oh OH! I wish for a huge supply of gold!"
    *she grants it* 
    *a title card appears showing 3 days has passed and a huge golden statue of him appears*
    Fairy: "Why didn't you just wish for a gold statue of yourself?"
    "I'm an ex-villain; all of our major plans are executed poorly"
    Fairy: "Why?!"
    "Tax reasons"
    when he first enters the volcano area:
    "I always KNEW the world was on fire! I'm just pissed that I didn't get to start the flames."    
    when he first returns to his hut:
    "Oh good... the mansion from my old life is gone and i'm back to living in squaller..."
    "it's not like I charred this place for a reason or anything..."
    "Maybe Ogleins anti-deppressants are still inside..."
    "Trust me I need them more"
    If you let him take the anti depressants but dont have the sugar:
    "A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down!"
    "Seriously this stuff tastes REALLY bad."
    If you let him take the anti depressants:
    "Vrrrooom and here comes the airplane!"    
    "that's much better... now everything feels more vibrant"
    "and I don't hate it as much."
    when you get the sugar:
    "so this is what kid-cocaine looks like" 
    the first time you take damage:
    "Oh that smarts..." and then if you dont have a healing potion: 
    "really wish I had a healing potion on me right now" otherwise: 
    "Jokes on the world I have a remedy for all types of pain. its called ibuprofin"
    when he falls into poison ivy:
    "this is fine... this is fine... this is fine..."
    if he catches a butterfly:
    a perfect snack for my dragonfly compadre ... oh right... wrong game.
    when walking by a bridge:
    "On the bridge of Avignon, we all dance, we all prance"
    "oh on the bridge of Avignon, we all have a muscle to pull"
    "On the bridge of Avignon, we all dance and we are prancing"
    "with a muscle to pull"
    "We are waltzing all week long!"
    after Alacampft finally makes a friend likely one of the prisoners
    several dragons he doesnt like will be kidnapped by evil pixies while at the same time a stave he intends to use 
    for world domination has been stolen from him by a pixie. 
    the dragon who he befriends will ask him to do something and to save them.
    hell come up to a crossroads the fair will go one way (up) the kidnapper will go the other way (down)
    and the player will have to make him choose
    "Oh great... save the people I hate... or world domination... the people I hate... world domination..."
    "Heh it's a no brainer Ill just go get my stave back! ...right?"
    this should also only happen after hes spoken to all the other dragons
    If the player visits the cemetary and looks at the largest headstone:
    "Hi Mom..."
    "I wish you were still here..." 
    "Not because I want you around, but so I could tell you... you failed me."
    "You were terrible, you yelled, you bossed me around, sure you never struck me-"
    "but the scars you did leave me with were so, so much worse. I don't know why I miss you"
    "honestly despite attending your funeral I was relieved when you were gone and I was finally on my own..."
    "and now I have a chance to choose my own path in life... and you? you'll be forgotten sitting in your grave."
    "I don't forgive you... I'll never forgive you..." 
    "but if it's any consellation ... I still miss you"
    when he goes to the mountain caves and he turns around:
    "Aheh I think i'd better not... after what I did... I'm such a disapointment..."
    when he first meets his uncle Kraosmos:
    "You're that one dragon who remembers everything..."
    UK: "Yes Alacampft I am. I need to tell you something... and I don't care what you have done..."
    UK: "you're not really alone... I just couldn't tell you... I couldn't lose it again... young dragon... I'm your great great grand uncle Kraosmos"
    Alacampft: "You're my uncle? wh-what happened here? why do you look so glumm? why'd you hide from me for so long; tell me what's wrong?!"
    UK shutting the window shutters: "for the first time in 200 years... not a thing in the world... I'm not much the type for a warm embrace but I think you could use this."
    *UK hugs Alacampft*
    *a double friendship heart surrounds them and Alacampft gets 2 hearts with UK while UK gets 1*
    Alacampft can ask many things of UK but usually about his relationships with other dragons and strategies he can use.
    however he has other things he can talk about:
    "Uncle Kraosmos, why do we let girls rule? aren't men just better at literally everything."
    "It is not about what form of governance we have in charge but rather whom is that governor... males and females
    both on average have strengthes and weaknesses, but in truth matriarchy and patriarchy both fall under their own weight. This is because
    competence is ignored."
    "hey I'm kinda hungry what do you have to eat around here?"
    "Oh are you in for a treat! How about the ice kingdom's world famous remember shake. 
    coolwhip with choco shavings, a chocolate bar sticking out the side, a rock candy straw, sitting on top of lime jello, with a mixture of vanilla ice cream and soda in the centre and apple crisps at the bottom all topped off with a mandarin cherry."
        "You were in a war?"
        "...I sat with Hircine and we counted what we had the day prior and then suddenly in the night... Chemicals shrouded the grounds; flames licked the walls tenderly turning to ash all that we knew and even burned through the snow while I aftly laid on the ground with broken legs from fending them off. this was the first siege. 
        they left me for dead but after all the years I'd spent protecting the realm I was not about to give in so easily. From the shards of glass and ash I fashioned myself splints with the last of my strength I crawled from the rubble to Hircine where she remained hidden. I catered to her needs keeping her safe and now to date she is a grandmother of 3. 
        yet I feel only guilt and shame... I was not strong enough to stop the blaze before it began. I was not strong enough to peel her eyes from the scars of war... and I'm not strong enough to confront my own history."

one of the levels I'd in mind: 

didn't really figure out how to put the world together yet but earlier I'd come up with concepts:

another excerpt from the game:

Kraosmos Journal:

Entry1 = """

My Journal is left tattered and in ruins... I'm not allowed to go home anymore, not after what I did to...  Well it doesn't matter now, I'm finally on my own. who'd have thought at just twelve my mouth could be so big I'd fall into the hole and be unable to escape. I have been forced to compose a new one.


Entry2 = """ 

Hello dearest Journal, it's been a week since we last spoke, I'd like to thank you for being there so I have someone to talk to when I'm alone like this. Nobody really likes me. But you? You don't have feelings or emotions or opinions, you're just a dumb book. and that's what makes you so special to me, I can pour my heart out to you and my heart remains confined to your pages."""

Entry3 = """ 

I have just seen the most horrid of autrocities, I have seen goons sweep down from the lands and steal or crush and destroy sweet innocent dragon eggs! I will not allow this to continue! I intend to seek the dragon king and inform him."""

Entry4 = """ 

it has been several days since I've written here and now I can say that I've met with the dragon king, and he has advised me that the elder guardians are the ones responsible for these horrible actions. I will go to their temple and duel them 'til death. I know it's risky and I'm probably throwing my life away, but I've nothing left to lose so it doesn't matter... I can't go home, and nobody wants to see my face, after I spoke spoke so illy about the people around me it's only fair that I die trying to save them... right?


Entry5 = """

Today was a terrible day for me. and for others as well, I have nearly drowned upon a grand river, allow my explanation to reach the page before flipping anew. There was a dragon egg set on a tree, how it got there I'm unaware. but I was there in an attempt to stop its destruction I hopped down from the hill and tried to grab it as it were falling. I managed to push the egg onto shore and into the soft sands while simultaneously descending into the abyss of the rapids. I have been smacked by its pillows and rivetted by its rocks and am badly bruised. If I die here, I accept my punishment as I do not know if I even managed to save the egg... I'm truly worthless aren't I?


Entry6 = """

it has taken two days for me to heal and return to where I saw the egg... while I do not find evidence of it being destroyed I also do not find the egg. I'm hopeful someone managed to find and rescue it and the poor hatchling within. I shall rest for one more day before moving onwards, and upwards the vast terrain of the groves and swamps.


Entry7 = """

I cannot WAIT to put pen to paper! I have the most epic of tales to reveal to you dearest journal it has been two whole months, I have scoured the landscape making my way through muck and leach to this hidden temple upon the groves seperate from common life to meet the elders... but upon my arrival I did not find the cruel beast I had expected, no instead I found the sweetest of elders. I did not trust him at first of course.

so I demanded we do battle, yet he refused. And thus our dialogue exchanged like so:

Elder: 'Young one I do not wish to fight you but if you'd hop upon my back I will teach you to fly.'     

'I do not trust you, if you shall not fight then prove to me your worth' 

Elder: 'in due time young one. for now come with me you have much to learn and I am nie but your mentor as I am to all drakes, not your enemy. The dragon king has fooled you and it is he who has truly brought us such dread'

'I do not know who to trust... No you shall prove yourself here and now!'

And it was with that moment that I barreled through the room and jumped out the window falling down the cliffside knowing my end was within the moment.

Yet as I lay there with the wind parsing my final thoughts it came upon my eyes the elder swooping down to stop my demise with a speed of flight like never I'd seen prior. He carried me back up to the temple and there I believed him. 


Entry8 = """

I have spent the past few days with the elder contemplating the trickery imposed upon me by our very king, the one destined to protect us is no more than a fraud set upon our blood in anger with motives unclear to me. Although the Elder seems to understand his evil I do not; yet this doesn't matter. I have trained for these days each of my abilities and I with many others am set to do battle against his forces and protect the innocent, yes the very dragons Who have come to hate me, I now seek to protect.


Entry9 = """

I've been set on my own again, but this time I do not fear it, I'm not riddanced with sadness and depression but instead confidence and rebellion. I have been tasked by the Elder to find one of the others known as Frostmoar who is to continue my education and prowess while directing me in my newly chosen path, the path of a scavenger for his band of mercenaries.


Entry10 = """

Frostmoar and I have been in constant argument under the most petty of things over the course of the two weeks I've been here, despite being a good scavenger for him and collecting many things of value including munitions and being well trained he still sees me as only a whelpling. I think I'm going to leave as I feel I'm better utilized elsewhere. While I do not disrespect the Elder I thought I would be bringing devestation to evil while instead I sit here with this overly cautious mercenary who is more interested in building defenses than actually bringing aid to his constituents! Many pay for his protection and few if any receive it. While I do appreciate his band's efforts someone has to take the reigns, and it certainly is not frostmoar.  


Entry11 = """

I've given him another week and yet while the dragon king continues his evil reign Frostmoar sits back idle. That does it, I'm leaving. While I know I cannot defeat the king on my lonesome I can deterr his plans. I'm going to the geysers of Yelmnorine where the supplies are run for his army and there I shall disrupt them and poison the food supply of those he has brainwashed. I sneak out tonight.


Entry13 = """

I am happy to report the ease of my success, I stole an expensive organ disruption potion from Frostmoar before I left to spite him, and with it I've managed to do more damage to the king's plans than anyone could have previously imagined. He has been set back for months now that half his forces are destroyed. And they never suspected a thing, afterall who would expect to be poisoned by a child? I basically walked right out of the camp unnoticed.


Entry14 = """

Dear journal it has been several months now and the burden of the king is now relieved from the lands. While I wish I had been the one to take his head I do not honestly hold this claim. Someone else destroyed him. regardless I have in fact played the most prime of roles in the vanqueshing of his agenda. While the others have been busy focused on themselves or on his destruction directly I personally have gone from base to base ruining them, battling their weakest warriors to strengthen myself and stop their merciless pursuits saving egg after egg and hatchling after hatchling from death. Though this war ends here, I know my unrewarded part has been the most important, and the most forgotten. Every supply line I have disrupted, every violator I've felled, and every scrape I've recieved has been the true outliner for our future; and nobody shall ever know of thy heroics. I can accept this fate... fame is but a wicked lapse of the self anyways.


Entry15 = """

Thus comes the reward for my efforts. So be my luck that I should recieve as a gift, a shameful flux for my efforts! I have learned upon the need to cook the fish I catch and boil my waters! Oh if only I hadn't been such a fool... While the rest celebrate I earn my place as a jest by the infirmary's staff. By what god could have cursed me!? What could I have done to deserve dysentery!?


Entry16 = """

It has been a whole year and today was my birthday.

While I expected to be left to my own devices fishing and cronching down upon a poorly baked cupcake with a single candle; I have instead found myself not alone but rather have been knighted instead! All screamed the name and new title as Kraos the brash, now a known protector of the realm as my stories have harkened the ears of bards around me. I am renewed! I am Kraosmos the brash! Kraosmos protector of the dragon realms! And I shall not let them down!"

some more excerpts:

Alacampft can at one point in the game entire the nightmare 

world where he will walk by a path of tombstones from the

dream of one of the older dragons.

the tombs will read "Where are my grandchildren?"

"you forgot what I look like?"

"I had high expectations from you."

until he comes up to a bunch of tombstones that all read 

single words like

"rivals", "friends", "career"

until he comes up to the elder sitting in front of the

elder with his head down in shame in front of a tomb that 

reads "love".

Alacampft then can choose to walk away or comfort them.

later on he can leave to explore the rest of the nightmare

world with a staff and as he walks through it, the creepy

music and treacherous black nightmare

terrain will be replaced with a 

beautiful green planes world.


A converstaion with sourflame:

Sourflame is one of he dragon-children Alacampft can befriend     

if the player decides to make alacampft and Sourflame his friend she'll eventually use a spell on him

by accident revealing to her all the things he's done in the past and erased.

Sourflame: "Alacampft...but...but why... how could you... all those people... and me..."

Alacampft: "Sourflame... i'm sorry please don't"

Sourflame will look away in disgust

Alacampft: "Do you have any idea how many times I looked down at my phone?"

Sourflame: "Huh? what's that got to-"

Alacampft: "wishing i'd someone ... anyone that I could call... I always knew,

i could never be happy with a family. i'd never have children or a wife... 

I had one chance at happiness, and when I failed to get it...

it just became a lot easier to be the bad guy instead."

Sourflame: "Well I don't have any parents and I didn't kill everyone i knew you psycho!"

Alacampft: "Sour... please understand"

Sourflame: "all I understand is that you're a monster."

Alacampft: "...i'm...sorry..."