same here whenever I look for games it's for a windows machine although I used to do some linux gaming as well, so there is some market for it.
Creator of
Recent community posts Coming soon to Steam, you can wishlist it there.
an update on how its going.
4.) instantly uploading our software to (virus total) to be scanned via Itch internals (opt-in style) with a checkmark at the bottom to help Itch Creators seem less... shady. srsly getting people to even consider itch is relatively difficult due to the lapse in faith in the site itself. this is likely due to increased volume of developers over time while anyone can upload just about anything. of course this can also be counter productive if the service detects something as a virus when it isn't which is why it should be opt in rather than opt out.
some more excerpts:
Alacampft can at one point in the game entire the nightmare
world where he will walk by a path of tombstones from the
dream of one of the older dragons.
the tombs will read "Where are my grandchildren?"
"you forgot what I look like?"
"I had high expectations from you."
until he comes up to a bunch of tombstones that all read
single words like
"rivals", "friends", "career"
until he comes up to the elder sitting in front of the
elder with his head down in shame in front of a tomb that
reads "love".
Alacampft then can choose to walk away or comfort them.
later on he can leave to explore the rest of the nightmare
world with a staff and as he walks through it, the creepy
music and treacherous black nightmare
terrain will be replaced with a
beautiful green planes world.
A converstaion with sourflame:
Sourflame is one of he dragon-children Alacampft can befriend
if the player decides to make alacampft and Sourflame his friend she'll eventually use a spell on him
by accident revealing to her all the things he's done in the past and erased.
Sourflame: "Alacampft...but...but why... how could you... all those people... and me..."
Alacampft: "Sourflame... i'm sorry please don't"
Sourflame will look away in disgust
Alacampft: "Do you have any idea how many times I looked down at my phone?"
Sourflame: "Huh? what's that got to-"
Alacampft: "wishing i'd someone ... anyone that I could call... I always knew,
i could never be happy with a family. i'd never have children or a wife...
I had one chance at happiness, and when I failed to get it...
it just became a lot easier to be the bad guy instead."
Sourflame: "Well I don't have any parents and I didn't kill everyone i knew you psycho!"
Alacampft: "Sour... please understand"
Sourflame: "all I understand is that you're a monster."
Alacampft: "...i'm...sorry..."