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Game walkthrough Sticky

A topic by Vestina created Mar 13, 2024 Views: 4,140 Replies: 10
Viewing posts 1 to 6
Developer (1 edit)

Discuss here everything related to game walkthrough, item searching, etc.

Please note: I personally do not respond to questions about walkthrough.

Finding Agatha's Figurine: Checking corners in a not-well-furnished room is not that good of a hint.

It tells you exactly what to do. The figurine is sitting there in one of the corners of the house.


The location is randomized, apparently. I found it behind a plinth in the corner of the building. Others have found it on the staircase.

Finding Agatha's Figurine:
For those who are having trouble looking for the figurine, it's literally where you started, go into first person and look at the stairs. You'll find it. Hopefully.

It is not as I found it between the wall and the shrine.

If you found it by the stair's, then it's randomized and I think I found a bug.

Developer (2 edits)

Although I don't answer here, I will make a note in this case. The figurine's appearance point is definitely randomized. In other words, after restarting the game, the figurine may appear in a different location.

is the main quest still being worked on?


All current work-in-progress quests will be completed only when the major city appears, and the current temporary 'street' location will be removed.


I ended up finding it in one of the corners but im not seeing anyone talk ab the prostitue having one too, that threw me off alot, nice one on the creators part it tricked me


Yes, Artemis has her own figurine but at this moment it’s impossible to grab it. I think I will make another quest how to obtain exact that figurine within the next few months.