Please, report technical problems or issues here. Please provide a detailed description of the problem so that I can fix it
Device name The-Epicenter-Of-Electricity
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz 3.10 GHz
Installed RAM 8.00 GB (7.90 GB usable)
Device ID 171347DD-3864-4E21-9E4A-E2C917D170E4
Product ID 00330-75061-96318-AAOEM
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display
Your system looks good, but what is your GPU card (graphics card)? This might be the most important thing which causing black screen from start. You can download completely free and very popular app GPU-Z it will show very much info about your video card.
You can try to download '' from the download section now. Maybe this one will work.
Also, I have found forums where people discuss how to fix the black screen issue with Unity-based games, maybe this will help:
I believe there is a Bug with Agatha's Figurine.
If you accept the Candied Pair Quest; then the figurine doesn't show up and if you accept Agatha's request first, then it does.
I've also had to play Metal Gear Solid trying to evade Julis looking to force the player to follow them while trying to look for that figurine to figure out where it exactly is, checking the corners of the entire house/place.
I'm afraid simple optimization like RAM cleaning will not work in your case. Looks like your device has enough RAM to play, otherwise the game would just quit itself. The only reason of low FPS I see, not enough power of your chipset (CPU+GPU).
This game does require a high performance phone, mainly because of the fluid simulations in the private scenes. I know it only partially runs on the Samsung Galaxy S10 (with Snapdragon 855), which means even more powerful models are required. I specified the Snapdragon 865 or Samsung Exynos 1080 as a minimum, but the newer is better.
In general, you need to unzip the downloaded game archive to any place you want. Then, locate the game's .x86_64 file and follow these steps:
Now, you are able to run the game's .x86_64 file and play it normally.
I'm afraid, in this case you'll need to search the internet for information regarding your exact Linux distribution on how to run typical Unity games there. Maybe you need some specific commands in the terminal. This game should work normally on several versions of Ubuntu, also some people have reported it working on Manjaro and certain desktop environments that come with Debian distro. In general, it should also work on many other modern Linux distributions.
Thanks for the report! Unfortunately at the moment I can't find out the cause of this unstable behavior. My guess is that there is not enough CPU performance to calculate the physics simulation of the liquids (such feature is present in every mini-game and requires quite a powerful mobile CPU). At least that would explain why the game works normally during regular gameplay and freeing only during mini-games. The game will probably run better when an updated demo with appear with some optimizations requested by mobile users, but the recommendation to have powerful CPU in system requirements will remain anyway, I will keep fluid physics simulation in any case.
Also, I have no information how the game works on Kirin and Mediatek platforms/chipsets, so far all tests and reports from players were related to Snapdragon and Exynos chipsets. Generally, the game works well on such phones after 2021 release (usually mid-end and high-end models).
There is no guarantee that it will work, but you can still try the following. If your phone's system settings support different screen resolutions, and you are using the high/highest resolution, set the lowest resolution as possible in your phone system settings and run the game one more time. Probably, this will speed up the game FPS, but there is no guarantee that this will help to calculate the fluid physics better and pass the mini-games.
I feel like there needs to be an easier way to fill the bar during the sex scenes, I tap the button as fast as I possibly can and it still takes like 2 minutes to fill. I don't know if this is just for the Android version that is like this, however it's just made me do frustrated trying to fill the bar that by the time I did the sex scene where there were at least two bars I quit while trying to do the second bar. I would like to try again in the future, just this needs to be fixed first.
First, a quick suggestion: if you haven't already, try switching to 'easy mode' in the gameplay settings.
Regarding the issue itself, it occurs exclusively on Android devices, usually those with low and medium-level power chipsets. Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do about it, just need to wait for a newer version that includes better optimization for mobile phones (I only recently discovered how to improve performance), or try to play on one of the most powerful devices from 2022-2024. The bar fills up quickly and comfortably when the game has 50-60 FPS on the high-end mobile devices, but when the frame rate drops below this range, issues arise and the bar resists more. In easy mode, this should be much less of a problem anyway.
Another suggestion, there is no guarantee that it will work, but you can still try the following. If your phone's system settings support different screen resolutions, and you are using the high resolution setting in Android, set the lowest resolution as possible in your phone system settings and run the game one more time. Probably, this will speed up the game FPS and solve the issue.