Tucked away, buried and marked with an X; we find the Ratings & Reviews page.
Dashboard > Game Page > Game edit page > Interact page > Ratings & Reviews page, which sounds simple until you count all the other options that these are among.
Feels like it's important, and shouldn't be this hard to find.
It's not on the top bar.
It gets no notifications.
Tucked and buried.
Shouldn't creators be told or reminded that "Hey, this is where you find this!"?
Due to this lack of visibility, Reviews have to be left in the Comments or Topics so that they're actually seen, redundant, ain't it?
Hope this is corrected, by adding Reviews to one of the top bars, adding notifications, and/or by adding instructions to where to find the page.
Thanks in advance, and thanks to Itch team for doing the work they already do.