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A member registered Aug 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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I'm not opposed to the game's style or gameplay, I found it promising.
FYI, I only played on the normal difficulty.
The following is a list of subjective criticisms that are worded as to be positive, not derogatory:


-Immediately, the game has somewhat choppy performance (10-15 FPS), nominally, a user would be able to see what affects performance, I suspect there's some code that is lagging the process or a lack of performance-enhancing techniques (LOD, for example).

-Hit detection, possibly as a result of the aforementioned, is incredibly iffy, and some weapons are coin-tosses whether the enemy will get hit, and further if you'll be able to tell that they have (the blood damage effect doesn't appear consistently).

-The melee alt-fire on the shotgun seems incredibly specific, in case the game is using raycasts, make sure that there's multiple well-ranged raycasts rather than one short raycast.

Weapon Balancing

-The machinegun and revolver (later, dual revolvers wink wink) share the same range and use, with the damage of the latter balancing the fire rate of the former, with the revolver(s) seeming to have a higher DPS.

-Additionally, the alt fire of the machinegun has the most shotty hit detection, and has quite the low usage regardless.

-The super shotgun is underwhelming, it's mostly worse than the default shotgun (imo).

Enemy Balancing

weirdly tanky and small flying enemy with high damage
incredibly annoying small swarm enemies (well known in quakelikes obv)
shotgun enemy can borderline snipe you, and is extremely oppressive.
In return, you're better off cheesing the game and sniping the enemies rather than risking yourself by moving in.

Last note

The level design feels made not in tandem with the movement, it feels very small and claustrophobic, restricting your movement, additionally, the movement is too precise to be smooth.

in other words, skill issue lmao

Overall, I'm excited to see where the game goes, though it was a bit infuriating to me.

Np! reply when fixed! gl!

Incredibly smooth, fun, scratch (SCRATCH?) made game.
While the dash is a bit tiny and some upgrades are quite weak, I had a good amount of enjoyment with the writing and the gameplay was quite promising.
Good work!

The beginning cutscene causes horrible stutters for the game and computer as a whole, running at about 0.25-0.5 FPS.
Maybe different file extensions for the video? assuming that the cutscene isn't done in-engine.

Occasionally, web games or games with web copies that have not been played within the browser still show up (particularly in Things To Rate) as played.
Not a very big issue, though

This might be nice.

(No, the "Select a tag" bar is not there originally, this is a mock-up of the suggestion.)

There seems to be some sort of issue with the very first loading screen, either it never completes or that it takes an ungodly long time.

(1 edit)

Very nice pace, and the pixel art is well done, but I think it could use a little better telegrpahing, I find myself dying to 0.1 second explosions and projectiles I didn't see.

As well as possibly beefing the player with an HP or two.

Has to be the inventory system and the shotgunjumping, the former misplaces items (also combines items for you, not optimal), the latter being inconsistent.

There's also a lot of issues in balancing, saws are good but drones aren't, ammo upgrades seem to last even after the item is removed, bubbles are useless, and meat upgrades aren't that useful.
In general, the shop is also weak, since you seem to get all that you'd need naturally, if you're not too bad, you'll stock up on everything you need without needing the shop.

i love keys.they're my favorite.

Pretty fun! while some concepts are weirdly obtuse? like the base claiming, and the game usually becomes a back-and-forth stalemate where you balance their arm superiority with your tactics, it's very solid work that's definitely heading somewhere.

Incredibly fun, smooth and novel concept, while there are some rough edges, I overall liked the mix of ideas here.

cowboy emoji

Happened on launch

spawns underground, thanks?

There seems to be an issue with inputs, they don't seem to register.

I'd also recommend Turbowarp, it'd probably be very useful.


Great voice acting, great style, great dialogue.
The only detractor is the FPS hickup at the town overworld (and only there).
This was nice.

(1 edit)

A lot of events have to be instanced first, which causes a crash a lot of the time, particularly with the first ever LMB input.
(pre-instancing: the sin?)

personally not how id do political messages but y-oh the jam...the literal jam is called "fuck capitalism".

well ok i guess i was on point?

Fun concept! Love the mix between action and tacticalness, the wild setting helps its art style.
I'll be following for future versions!

(1 edit)

This update report:

Pretty awesome style and gameplay, though it did freeze(?) on the last(?) level's loading screen, the levels before that did give me a great experience!

This is awesome! It'd be helpful if the PC controls were included in the tutorial and maybe changed since they are there, but this is genuinely so fun! I'll definitely follow this going forward!

Cool music!!!!! dan must be really big if that icbm is so god damn small cool game
srsly thu good work within jam time thats pretty frickin fire!!!!!!!!!

Pretty cool concept with a nice art style, even though the tsunami wave is mostly bullshit, I liked it.
It could be a bit more active if expanded.

Awesome visual style, I'd love to see this expanded upon, great experience.

Pretty cute and fun roguelite, though it might use some game juice and a different song, with more variety and polish.
Additionally, it'd be nice to be able to see the perks' use before actually using them.

Oh alright!

I'm pretty sure the download is screwed, and the elements sometimes miss the pot? Is that intentional?

Hey, I think you forgot to set pricing for the game.

(3 edits)

Resolution doesn't rescale with the download version.
There is also no fullscreen option with the browser either, so all the text is very blurry.

(2 edits)

If I had a nickel for every time I played a good game that had great pixel art and grappling as a central mechanic, I'd have 3 nickels.

Open-ended and snappy level design, smooth controls, well distributed variety, I'm excited to finish it.

FATAL ERROR error upon bootup

New builds seem to work (sorry im so late) and game's pretty fun! good job!

ow ow ow the stove is hot boss can i please be a wa-

If blue zones slowed down bullets or didn't affect your healing, I think that might help it balance.

Overall, pretty awesome concept regardless

Amazing concept! very fun! Good work! Hope it expands!