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It wont let me install

A topic by guymanwithagun created Mar 24, 2024 Views: 287 Replies: 6
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Every time I press the install button, it does nothing, not a popup or install bar, nothing. I would love to have this game, but I can't install it. Please help.



There is nothing to install, my friend. It's just a .rar file that you need to extract. Don't use the app, download the file directly from the browser. 

Apparently a lot of people have problems with the itchio app.

God bless.

Thank you for trying to help, but it does not allow me to extract the file either


That is really weird... does it give you any errors while trying to extract the file?

no, its just that nothing happens

like, no popups, nothing

oh its alright. Nothing I do seems to work. Ill just wishlist on steam and wait for the game to come out.