Please use this thread to give feedback, both positive and negative (constructively please!)
I used to live in Thulby for a year then another 6 down South Fen Road. So its an area I know well and you have done a great job!
Interestingly the building to the left of the service station at Kates Bridge I'm sure used to be an Agri dealer going back sort of 30 or so years. I would look at the tractors as we drove past as a kid would be a cool spot to move the shop to in a future update possibly?
HiReddog, Loving the map, but would like the option to rebuild some of the yards as the @farm' grows. currently there is no way to delete/sell buildings to re-build, and for some reason, I am unable to open the map in giants editor, not sure if this is something that had been blocked somehow or an issue at my end??? many thanks -Al