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Bigger maps

A topic by TheTrueHentaiKamen created 84 days ago Views: 589 Replies: 7
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So I was going to make a metropolis for my dnd campaign and this generator is almost perfect. The problem just is that i can't generate anything big enough. My record is 77.000 so far but i wanted 100.000 minimum and even if i use warping to increase the city limits, i run out of map space easily.

I feel like it would be really easy to add a bigger map generator or just allow me to zoom out and warping my way to victory


You can create a city larger than "Large" by entering a custom value (up to 200) in the Size field of the Generate window (enter your value and press Enter). Here is an example (pop. 180K): 

Your projects on are fascinating. Actually I am asking about if I can use generated SVGs out of your projects to make a coloring book and sell it on Amazon? I know you mentioned using your generated images in games, but not books. Have a beautiful day.


No, sorry, it's not something I am willing to endorse. It's not a question of games vs. books, though. It's just taking SVGs produced by my generators and selling them more or less "as is" doesn't sound like a fair commercial use of free tools (unlike creating illustration for original texts, for example).


Please note that I strongly disapprove abusing this "license" by selling generated maps.

Thank you very much, I felt it is not fair too, that is why I was asking. I respect your decision. 

You can think of it for yourself to publish coloring books for both adults and children on Amaon KDP (kindle direct publishing). You can produce a pdf for the book and another pdf for an attractive cover and upload them. I already done that for several books. I can provide help for FREE. Again, your generated art is really amazing.




Nice, this is do-able. i got 200k on my first gen, but i was aiming for 500k-1M without shanty towns. I assume that isn't currently possible, but i hope it will be at some point


I think that with shanty towns (which really should be renamed "sprawl" or something like that) 500k is achievable, but 1m is not. This is not what one would expect from a *medieval* city generator anyway :)