Hey all! Came upon a rather strange issue... I'm wishing to edit the Gradius 3dn file, in a similar vein to my Metroid project, but while cleaning up some of the sprites, I noticed a linking issue with the Konami Logo. While trimming the black outline on the 'mi' section, I noticed that any changes would effect the 'ko' at the start, usually tearing through the sprite. I'm guessing this is due to one being a kind of inverted sprite, but in its current state I can't adjust it without issues occurring. I have attempted cloning, but this does not work either, since the black outline will still be present when overlaid. Is this something that could perhaps be solved with coding? It's a minor issue, but it's driving me crazy.Here is the default appearance of it in the editor, when I am attempting to make adjustments.
However, after these adjustments, this tearing occurs in the 'ko' section, which appear to be linked. I also noticed that the color index changes slightly, which makes me wonder if this is part of the issue. (As a side-note, this issue occurs even when merging the two into one sprite, or actually, they refuse to merge at all.)
When I set the mode to real as well, they seem to both turn into the same sprite, creating 'minami' as it were. Is there a way to fix this with coding? I'm not exactly an expert with coding, so any help would be appreciated!