Am I correct that I cannot embed an HTML anchor tag in a deck?
You can't embed any sort of arbitrary HTML in a deck. What are you trying to do?
Rich-text fields can contain links, which can be hyperlinks to web pages (must include an http:// or https:// prefix), hyperlinks to cards within the same deck (by name), or custom scripted behaviors equivalent to clicking a button widget (by overriding the field's "on link" handler).
Actually, I sort of found the answer I was looking for (quite by accident) in the thread where you discuss creating a field and converting it to a link.
I was trying to understand how I might point people to web sites outside of the app.
It’s all good! :-)
I’m writing a short book / tutorial to document my findings as I go so that hopefully others will have an easier time learning how to use Decker. I’d be grateful if I can get other eyes on the mini-apps I’m building and the accompanying text so that I’m not mis-stating / mis-representing things.