Congrats on putting this together!
- Music is a banger. seems it doesnt loop though so maybe just adding a fade out at the end and a fade in at the beginning could help!
- Castle sprite seems to be a bit blurred maybe due to it being a lower resolution.
- It seems I can click the "spawn archer" but nothing happened.
- I initially did not realize the red circle was the castle health as it looked like a button to me.
- Even if it does not shoot as fast, it would be cool if you could hold down mouse one to fire continuously.
- I love that enemies get knocked back a bit when hit, helps sell the impact. Maybe some hit flashes and sprite deformation would help it feel even more impactful. Maybe with some sound effects also.
- The fact you can wait as much as you want between waves means you can always wait for a full stamina. Not sure if that was intended but just thought id mention it.
- The energy consumable might make more sense if it matches the color of the energy bar (yellow) to tie them both together.
- Can the red coins only buy arrows? If so, could you just award arrows instead? Maybe you're planning to use this for other stuff also.
- I'm not quite sure what the clock power up does.
- It might be unnecessary to have both player health and castle health since castle only gets hit after you die. Again maybe you have other plans here I'm not seeing.
- Would be awesome to upgrade your stamina and such as you go along.
- Maybe some ranged enemies to make your life difficult!
- Looking forward to see all the ideas you have for the game.
Amazing stuff. I really hope you keep going and show us more. <3 <3