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[Art][ Design] [Free] - Artist looking to gain more experience.

A topic by Ascovan created Jan 16, 2019 Views: 702 Replies: 4
Viewing posts 1 to 4
(2 edits) (+1)

Greetings, I'm a Semi experienced Artist / Designer looking to join a project or group to practice my skill and expand my portfolio.

Below is an example of some of my work:

Please feel free to contact me with any interests or questions you may have.

Kind Regards,


[Update] I am now open to working on projects for free for the time being.

Hey i need a few things made for a project its a very simple art style

Bobs New Truck

If you would like to give me a hand here is the link to a discord: Discord Link

I can't offer you any money but would be happy to add you into the credits!:) 


cool. I'll contact you one day.

(1 edit)

hey im making a card game and I need quite a bit of 2d art for the characters and the last one looks very nice for what I want to do if your interested please get in touch. your pixel tilesets also look really good.