Hello! i am making game in unity
and i use bake light in every scene
i have problem that i want to turn off the light on horror scene and use only flash light
but how i can turn light off bake
please replay solution
Thank You
But this is the general itch.io community. The jam has its own here.
When you bake lighting, a single lightmap is generated for all your lights and your static game objects. i.e. there is no easy option to turn these lights on and off. Probably you can do some hacky solution like replacing the entire lightmap with a completely black lightmap at runtime. There is no standard Unity feature for that. Static lightmaps are just not meant to be used for dynamic lighting ...
That is not a standard approach. If you need dynamic lights, you are probably better of with dynamic lighting. But if you want to mess with the lightmaps, then you can access them via the LightmapSettings-Class:
var lightmaps = LightmapSettings.lightmaps; lightmaps[0].lightmapColor = new Texture2D(256, 256, TextureFormat.ARGB4444, false); LightmapSettings.lightmaps = lightmaps;
This code will replace the color component of the lightmap with a black texture.