Real talk. Having your characters attack be a projectile that often misses later on, is super frustrating. It should just be like most other games of this genre. Your character attacks, it applies an INSTANT (key word here) slash animation on the target for damage.
Attack speed is almost a hinderance when it gets to higher levels because once you have 5 mobs alive, you always attack at least once more per mob. So thats just wasting 5 attacks per wave, if not more at times.
Seriously though. Having the hero attacks being a projectile is really bad and hinders a lot of other stats. Just have it be a simple instant slash attack. Same with the AOE skill, it shouldn't need a 1.5 sec windup before it does dmg. You want that skill for its AOE potential. But I've soooooo often seen it apply when I have 1-3 mobs left, and it only actually hits 1 target total. Or worse yet, it applies when the last mob is about to die and it still puts it on CD even though nothing happened.
Please please just have things apply instantly, no travel time with main projectiles and no build up time with the singular AOE skill.