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A member registered May 15, 2023

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Fair enough! Had no idea it was such a time crunch. Game looks fun though :D

Why is escape the button to "build" when escape exits Fullscreen as well? So if I want to play in Fullscreen. I wait a bit, decide to spend, hit escape twice, spend in now a VERY tiny window, hit escape again to close the build window and hit the fullscreen button again. 

Exhausting lol. Pick literally any other button, please. Or allow to just click on the build window. Or have it perma open, idk

Hell yeah! <3

For what it is, it's quite good. However having to hold down the donate blood button is actually super awful in a game like this. It should simply be 1 click to donate all blood. That is legit the only issue holding this game back. Or on the off chance you don't want to do a donate all button, speed up the rate that you donate by at LEAST 10x. Ideally more like 50x

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This game has legs, has potential for sure. But, and its a BIG but, when you have to play it online leaving your computer on for hours/days to get materials in order to upgrade your gear its just very, very silly and dumb. Most games of a similar genre have offline gains for exactly this reason. People shouldn't need to actively play an IDLE game 24/7 for days on end to simply get materials to upgrade their gear. 

The quests and general "growth" mechanics are rough atm. They require endless hours of play to accomplish, but literally none of the gameplay is played. You just afk on a certain screen for a day or twelve and call it progression. If you don't want to add offline gains (imo this game is in DIRE need of) there needs to be an active component to compensate. Something to do while actively playing the game that gives rewards, bonus xp, higher chance of material drops, etc. 

And in general, the amount of materials needed to craft/upgrade items are just insane. Like literally insane. You could (and should) cut the costs by a factor of 10 or 20 and they'd STILL be quite high and very time consuming. Its why I personally stopped playing weeks ago, once I saw the epic armor requirements and the time it took to get even 1 epic upgrade item, it was instantly off-putting. I realized I'd have to leave my computer on with this game alone for days and days to upgrade a few items, max. Again --- Its absolutely insane, and likely why the game is dropping off. 

Edit: I just read about transcending and apparently its awesome? But I gave up at ascension 13 cuz again... It slows to a crawl and takes hours and hours and hours of online/active play to ascend at all times. Maybe once you transcend the game picks up, but it shouldn't take you that long to get to the point where the game "picks up". Imagine a AAA game that requires playing for 100+ hours before it "picks up" and the entire world would hard pass on it. 

Real talk. Having your characters attack be a projectile that often misses later on, is super frustrating. It should just be like most other games of this genre. Your character attacks, it applies an INSTANT (key word here) slash animation on the target for damage. 

Attack speed is almost a hinderance when it gets to higher levels because once you have 5 mobs alive, you always attack at least once more per mob. So thats just wasting 5 attacks per wave, if not more at times. 

Seriously though. Having the hero attacks being a projectile is really bad and hinders a lot of other stats. Just have it be a simple instant slash attack. Same with the AOE skill, it shouldn't need a 1.5 sec windup before it does dmg. You want that skill for its AOE potential. But I've soooooo often seen it apply when I have 1-3 mobs left, and it only actually hits 1 target total. Or worse yet, it applies when the last mob is about to die and it still puts it on CD even though nothing happened. 

Please please just have things apply instantly, no travel time with main projectiles and no build up time with the singular AOE skill. 

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With the changes to A1 and A2, the game feels much better and honestly enjoyable. I still think A1 is too much of a slog though. Mainly regarding the gold cost. The time it takes to get to A1 compared to A2 is wildly different since you have the gear already upgraded and you get the minor Ascension bonus on top of it. 

For a brand new player the entry into the "fun" part of the game takes too long imo, and this is the gold required for A1. If that gets reduced a fair bit, it'll be more accessible for newer players to keep going, as opposed to seeing the huge gold requirement and they give up. 

I can't be sure, but after hitting A3 and getting 2 uncommon items, I feel like something is off? Before I made my first uncommon item I was getting around 2.14 mil gold per kill. I upgraded an item and it went down to 1.8 mil per kill. After upgrading my 2nd item to uncommon (the ring which gave a 3rd bonus of 400+% exp) I noticed I was leveling *SLOWER* than usual. I also unlocked a 4th pet slot with the mimic, once I did so and used it, I'm still around the 1.8 mil per kill lol. 

I've played this for about 3-4 hours. Maybe a bit more, I'm unsure. I "unlocked" ascension. By that I mean the menu was opened, but it wouldn't be available for another... 10+ hours? Roughly? Its a guess. The level required + the gold required plus the slow animations means that each stage that you win is taking like 10 seconds, each stage gives like 1/8 of a level (again, roughly). So lets say a full minute per level with nothing rewarding in the mean time. Just waiting until you can upgrade a piece of gear x10 to get a synergy bonus, which is also INCREDIBLY lackluster. 

Maybe I'm missing something. But this game feels like, even if you sped it up 5x or 10x, it'd still feel like a massive slog and unrewarding overall. 

100% agreed. Simple, satisfying. Really solid. Also has great potential with a Prestige system. Could add many upgrades but the main one being speed in which you train. Could get some awesome multipliers for it so you get giga speeds eventually. 

Great game though!

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I've mentioned this before. The misses occur only on the mobs that spawn anywhere around the bottom half of the map. Enemies that spawn on the top half, hits always land. Once they go below the flame, the initial hits just don't land. 

Its why I made a kinda band-aid suggestion of putting the flame in the bottom center of the screen and to not allow mobs to spawn anywhere except from the top half of the screen to avoid this bug. There is just some issue with the way the enemies spawn and path from the bottom that makes it so they avoid all attacks at a certain point. Usually most noticeable with the red worms from 40-60 but can happen at any time. 

Edit: Just saying its not a build thing. Its just a pathing/speed issue with mobs when they spawn from the bottom half of the map. 

I've played this quite a lot as its a really solid and enjoyable game. But there are times when I'm way past the wave 60 mark (like wave 120 and beyond) and I'll still die because I can't hit the turtles. 

I'd say 75% of the time if you pass wave 60, you can go endless. But for some reason there have been times where my fireballs just spam over and over and *MAYBE* 1-10 of my hits land on them. Its only when its a few left and chain lightning doesn't bounce, and if lava pools don't last long enough for them to stand in it from other turtle deaths. 

So even wave 100+ if you don't have existing lava and can't chain lightning to them, turtles can easily reach you and just tick you down. Its the same hit issue that others have mentioned regarding the red worms. Just saying it can and does happen with turtles past 60 as well. 

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I was hopeful for an update by now, but I guess not. 

Biggest issue atm is still that the enemies that come from the the bottom half evade 99% of all attacks. If the bonfire was centered in the bottom it would likely fix the issue. 

Even if you reach wave 100+ you can still have issues with turtles just walking at you and you being unable to hit them for 30+ seconds until they just tick you down. 

For a new game its much more important to focus on bug fixes as opposed to new systems. You can patch in bug fixes and focus on new systems once its more playable. 

Ha, that makes a lot more sense. I thought I was just missing something super obvious. Fun game though!

About 30ish minutes in. Explore City, Explore Woods, Find Vehicles, Assign Mechanics and Assign to Recruiting are still greyed out. I tried to get 50+ open beds and 50+ open survivors but nothing is opening them. 

Super fun game, but I just lost on wave 89 with a great setup. I lost because for almost 30 seconds straight I couldn't land a single shot on 1 mob that came from underneath me.

I just posted a comment about the hit bug miss thing. That being said, if you download the game and play it that way, there is literally 0 way to quit or return to main menu. You have to alt f-4 out of it.

This 100% occurs even in the downloaded Windows version. My best guess is once you get past 8-9 bullet speed some projectiles don't count as landing. And its a lot more egregious once you reach 20 bullet speed. 

For example, the fast red worm stages, you need enough bullet speed to hit the ones on the top half of the map, but regardless of your bullet speed any red worms that spawn on the bottom half you will endlessly miss. The red worm stages are by far the most dangerous levels especially considering the miss bug. 

If you don't have Orbital Flames and/or the bouncing lightning attack, the red worms that spawn from the bottom will hit you regardless, a number of times. The adds that spawn from the bottom should move slower (if thats even possible to make happen) since its so much closer to your flame and hitting things in general when they are the bottom is where a lot of the hit issues occur. 


Not reaserch. Just a random typo error