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Size Me Up

A game where you compare your weiner to fictional girls · By Kleinvoimond

I'm insecure:(

A topic by Bobisthy created 44 days ago Views: 1,372 Replies: 5
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why is there a blonde bimbo making me insecure about my shlagg shooter I'm pretty confident in its size but why can't she appreciate it too like all the others:(

Dunno, i have a pretty big PP but she just nags at me

(1 edit) (+1)

I wouldn't worry about her.  Avarice's whole point is to be a super size queen who is never really satisfied. She only likes you if you are like 9in+ in size and even then you later can learn she is not as impressed as she lets on.

The character represents the annoying type of person who embodies the fantasy size queen trope from porn in real life. Because she isn't real so they literally use a mythological figure. She's meant to be deeply unpleasent I think.

she is a size queen, dont let her words make you feel bad. Focus on what other girls say about you; especially the average lady

lol don't worry I'm just shit posting I know as I said I'm quite gifted in that area not gifted enough to use it tho