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A member registered Nov 29, 2020

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Glad to see this game getting updated. Your game is pretty cool and I enjoy your art syle.

My review is short and simple: This game is good enough that it should probably cost money to play but doesn't.

Wow this game sure is confusing to play last in the series but I enjoyed it. Time to play the entire saga.

I thought I wrote this review years ago. I genuinely love this game and its core mechanic. You really do feel like a danger to yourself and others after all you've been through, uncertain if the protagonist is being chased by other warriors looking to be the strongest, or simply someone so obsessed with strength and so broken by a combination of war and the need to constantly prove himself that he's lost touch with reality, lashing out in violent, unpredictable ways.

This game is short, but its so good. It's worth a play.

The character represents the annoying type of person who embodies the fantasy size queen trope from porn in real life. Because she isn't real so they literally use a mythological figure. She's meant to be deeply unpleasent I think.

First of all who's kevin second of all I like the game but I'm probably one of the like 4 people its made for lol

Had a blast experiencing this. I was in a big tactics game mood when I found this and while it wasn't the old JRPG tactics game I was looking for it was something very special in itself.

Easily one of the best VNs out there despite how short it is. It's jsut so good. There is so much effort here.

Very cool game but upon starting, I feel a little to skill issue to play it well. I will certainly keep tryinb but I already like the feel.


what is it with furry projects consistently being so much higher quality than their contemporaries? like I'm not part of this community but I end up taking in so much of their content because their work tends to be better

Very cool concept, good gameplay - difficult but very fun. The core idea is excellent. Love the concept. Would be perfect if they just feminized into trans women instead of being transformed into cis women but the feminization thing is a huge plus in general. The harem formed entirely of feminized former cis men is a thing that just doesn't get done ever and I'm here for it.

Deeply enthusiastic about future updates.

Already love the art style. Definitely bookmarking this for your first release.

Thank you so much!

this is possibly the greatest game eve

Hi! I would love to find more games on here but the recommendations I get tend to be choked with horror titles and I scare easy. I'd love not to have to sort through them. I love this site though.

I didn't expect to appreciate this game so much. The people behind this game are wonderful and I'm glad they exist. The fact that this is a free game with no ads or anything on the app store is a breath of fresh air and I just appreciate this so much. It's not even my kind of game but every time I see something like this I'm reminded that if you wanna find something beautiful in gaming you often have to look to the indie dev space.

This is probably the closest we'll ever get to a baldur's gate/final fantasy tactics hybrid in terms of actual quality, and as a bonus it has porn. I definitely cannot wait to pay for the full release on steam. Do you have an ETA on that? Anything from 1-2 years or are you expecting more?

This project could use a native English speaker to proofread some of those phrases that are clearly off. But the art is pretty amazing.  There are a lot of weird phrases that definitely give me the 'English is a second or third language vibe but the game delivers on what it offers regardless so if the grammar can be fixed I think it'd go from good to really good.

Decent continuation of the first game. Glad to see both returning and new characters, and I'm a fan of Ingrid. It's a format that probably doesn't get taken advantage of as much as it should, and there's a surprising amount of art in there for such a simple game. Eager to see where Ingrid's arc goes.

Yeah I kinda always hate stuff like that in VNs, it's like authors wanna have their incest fetish but won't admit to it and I wish they'd just own up to it. It's fake, just enjoy it. I played another game that had this problem. The default options were like 'landlady' and 'roommate' but the dialogue as written were clearly meant to be 'mother' and 'sister'.

underrated comment

Wanted to get this game but it seems like the payment processing for Itch is broken.

The hentai could use some work but it's actually a pretty okay rogue-like when it gets updated. Normally my complaints are about the core gameplay loop but that's genuinely the fun part for once which is refreshing for one of these games. I realize this might be a personal taste but the hentai parts aren't that involved and don't offer much of interest outside of the animation. A bit more text going over the action could go a long way.


Big positives: 

God the new weapon is fun.

The new level is fun.

Overall the gameplay loop is solid

Could use work:

H-scenes are kinda just a gif with very little text.

Not the worst problem to have because writing is cheap.

I'm just glad to hear Arbuz is safe.

I'd give an opinion on the writing but I like some story with my porn and this mostly appears to be free use fetish material from start to finish. If that's your thing this is for you but the general lack of an actual story behind 'go train yourself to fuck people' kinda wore thin after the first title to do it for me.

It's a shame too because the art is top knotch.

I'll check this out later but I just think the name "Harem Residence" is very funny, almost like a generic stand-in for a real title because of the over-saturation of "Haverm <secondword>" titles on here. Still these games are rarely bad so I have decent expectations going in.

This is very, very specific. it's not for me but I appreciate that someone put in this level of work for what I can only describe as a very unique fetish. Shine on you crazy diamond.

Still just starting the game but I have useful feedback relating to the early stages:

The writing is great! You could definitely use some set piece CGs to go with the longer segmets of the game that stretch out in a single place This would be especially helpful in the portion of the game that is simply T H E H A L L A W A Y. CGs for individual scenes with the girls would also be nice, but I imagine that'll probably be something you're planning on filling out as the budget increases. Frankly, I like the entire vibe so far. Good music, good writing, interesting art direction. I know these projects are expensive and you appear to be in it for what seems to be enjoyment of the story you're telling here. I have similar aspirations so I can relate.

TL;DR: Love the writing and music choices. What art is there is great but I think more of it would be helpful for both immersion and attention spans. Commissioning this stuff obviously takes time and money though. Keep it up, will be monitoring this project closely as I'm enthusiastic for its future.

Can confirm eternum has set a standard most AVNs simply can't meet right now.

(2 edits)

For those wondering where the updates are, just worth mentioning that the author mentioned having to flee their home after russia invaded ukraine. They have confirmed they are safe but it might be a while. This would also probably be an excellent time to throw the author some patron money if you like the game to assist with transitional costs.

Saw "This purchase will not be updated monthly" up there and does this mean what I think it means? If I'm buying a game and the updated version isn't included with purchase count me out, because I've already paid at that point.

Small recommendation: If I use all my good massage oils on them and then go out of my way to bring them to climax on top of it, it might be nice to still get paid since I maxed out both bars. Optionally it could even pay more, but that probably defeats the purpose.

Per usual your games are phenomenal and I'll be waiting to see more.

Finally, a game I downloaded from twitch for my games folder that isn't going into the 'hgames' subfolder. You should know this is high praise on this website.

(1 edit)

I was incredibly surprised by the writing here, and the pixel assets are fine and do the job of giving you an environment to traverse but the hand-drawn art assets are top knotch. They're used infrequently but when they come up they really set the tone. Got this in the bundle for Ukraine and instead of getting bad writing I got an interesting story with somewhat clunky combat about someone wrapped up in a conspiracy thriller that takes them all across Europe running into difficulties with language barriers and different cultural customs while political drama unfolds all around you, and you're trying to piece it together.

The combat feels awkward, but its entirely forgivable since you spend so little time interacting with it. The game is simply not about that part, and it serves as a decent break from all the other stuff you generally get up too during the game. Recommend, but don't expect it to be a hype train of constant action. If you want an interesting story and great artwork this is for you.

Thanks for putting this in the bundle because otherwise I'd have never heard of it. Now to figure out when the next release is so I can keep playing it.

Okay, time for an actual review instead of me posting lol's in chat.

This game is phenomenal. You simply don't see this kind of quality out of passion project VNs ever. The art direction is phenomenal and the writing only has a few of the cringe hentai VN moments with dialogue. It's honestly such a fun experience that sometimes I find myself forgetting it has porn until the adult themes come around and do something funny. The world building here is excellent and the pacing is phenomenal. The only thing I need to know now what the production pipeline is for more so expect me on your patreon feed. I've overlooked this project multiple times because I've had iffy experiences with this graphic style in VNs before but you honestly nailed it. There's so much more going on and you're clearly not just using generic art assets here. I love it to death and I want more, so I will probably be pitching in on whatever crowd funding sources you use. I do not normally get this excited about a VN and I've played most of the good ones on here so that alone should speak volumes for the quality of this project. So far my favorite adult VN on this site.

The worldbuilding and pacing are the stuff cut from the kind of stories I wish I could write in a VN but lack the technical aptitude to pull off or the budget to produce art assets for. I'd go grim fantasy but god you've taken this isekai genre thing to another level. And I normally hate that genre.